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Well, there are also those Earsonics frenchies which also seem quite well regarded. One thing I'd like however are detachable cables because pocket environment can be rough on them.


I ordered a pair of the Heir Audio 4.Ai's which should hopefully be here sometime next week. I really like the Westone 4's with the longer P series Comply tips, their sins would mainly of omission so I find them highly listenable but a clear couple of steps down from the JH13Pro's. Due to my issues with customs I've been searching for a universal that ups the ante compared to the Westone 4 but until I read about the Heir's it seemed like it would be stepping into the $1200 - 1400 range which I'm reluctant to spend on a universal at this point.

I'm not sure how the 4.Ai's will stack up against the Westone's but I figured for the $399 asking price it was worth taking a risk. I'll report back once they arrive and I've had a bit of time with them.

Posted (edited)

They don't promote hate and general negativism. Then again usually disappointed users are more vocal than the happy ones. WarriorAnt aside, that is.

Edited by RudeWolf
I'm not sure how the 4.Ai's will stack up against the Westone's but I figured for the $399 asking price it was worth taking a risk. I'll report back once they arrive and I've had a bit of time with them.

Been curious about them. Looking forward to your impressions


Who gives a shit what they promote. If the vast majority of reviews of everything are positive, it's fucking useless because the vast majority of things can't be better than average.


I found most of the early "reviews" on the 4.Ai to be pretty much useless, at best I got a very general idea what they might sound like. The reason I decided to give them a try was because they looked like they met most, if not all, the criteria I had for an upgrade over the Westone 4's. The build quality appears good, they have replacable cables and with Comply's it seems like they might not insert as deep as the Westone 4's with the longer Comply's. I really have no idea how the 4.Ai's sound will stack up in comparion to the Westone 4's though, I half expect I won't like them but at the price it seems like a worthwhile crapshoot.


I was joking about the promoting. In any case I judge a reviewer from how many negative or neutral reviews/impressions has he made. That's the only thing that has kept me from dismissing guys like Headfonia Mike. Above all I promote a critical attitude even if I get called "spoilsport" from time to time.


Who gives a shit what they promote. If the vast majority of reviews of everything are positive, it's fucking useless because the vast majority of things can't be better than average.

Except in Lake Wobegon.


I don't understand that joke, but it may have something to do with the fact that I break out in hives just hearing Garrison Keillor's voice for as long as it takes me to change the radio station if I light upon that idiot's show.

Posted (edited)

^ Lake Wobegon is characterized as "the little town that time forgot, and the decades cannot improve," and as the town "where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average."

Edited by Grahame

Another vote for the Shure SE535. Have them awhile now and really like the smooth and balanced presentation especially the improved clarity from the old SE500/530. Midrange maybe a little too forward for some and treble extension can be a bit better. The 535 has a very nice bass, but it won't satisfy the basshead out there. Still, a very nice buy in my book if you can find it for around $350. If you have the fund, get the JH13pro though.


Picked up the Amerior today. It's a keeper. As an unabashed Senn lover it fits the bill for a portable headphone.

The only headphones I have to compare it against are the Staxen (which beat it easily) and the Shure 535s (which I prefer the Amperior to). I'm not as high on the 535s as others, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I also cannot get over the comfort issues with IEMs, even with the comply tips. Guess I'm just not an IEM guy.

FWIW the Amerior seems to be an Apple store exclusive or something. Thats where I got mine. No where else seems to have them in stock.

Posted (edited)

^ I agree, the Amperior is the best on ear closed I've heard. I got rid of the DT1350s after comparing them with the Amperiors.

Edited by robm321

I really need to hear the Amperior since I am a big fan of the HD 25-1 II.

I didn't think to check, but there might have been an open pair on display at the Apple store. If you have an Apple store nearby maybe call ahead and ask? Maybe they can pull one out for you?

I really need to hear the Amperior since I am a big fan of the HD 25-1 II.

I would definitely recommend checking them out. They are basically a better HD 25-1 II. Might want to wait and see what the Momentum is all about first. Same price and same drivers as HD 25s?


Just picked up the Amperiors from the local Apple store a couple days ago. They're nice, have a much better build than the HD-25's but are heavier too and less of a "beater" headphone than the HD-25's. The sound is pretty dominated by the midbass, with vocals a bit recessed, but overall pleasant nonetheless.

My only real gripe with these headphones is the cable. They have a thick cable that terminates in a 3.5mm after about 6 inches, then you plug in one of two cable options on top of that which are very thin and don't look like they'll hold up well. The issue is that the top cable is heavier and less flexible and the cable is quite annoying to wear on top of your shirt. If you tuck it under a shirt or jacket though, where the top cable is held in, it's quite great. Having to wear it tucked in though is in itself an issue- some who buy these for gym or workout use will end up destroying the cable with their sweat. Just a really odd design choice -

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