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I'v been a long time member on Head-Fi, and decided to check out this forum (for a number of reasons). After reading multiple threads here, it seems there are a lot knowledgeable people here concerning the AKG K1000. I have 2 K1000's, one is hooked up to a Unison Audio Unico, which I find a great combination. I'm looking for a cheap amp, to set next to my iMac, so I can use my other pair with my computer at night.

I read multiple recommendations, Class-T Amps, old Marantz and Panasonics (PX950 etc.). I searched, but they were actually quite expensive now on ebay (650euro+ ).

I have a bass-light pair, so a little more bass on the amp is appreciated, maybe a bit of warmth. But as I'm looking for a cheap amp, this probably isn't all realistic.

Any advice is much appreciated!




Victor awesome we are so glad you are here and clearly read your welcome pm and all. Waiting 10 whole minutes prior to posting must have almost fucking killed you.

There are a few k1000 thread on headfi that pretty much covers it see ya


Yeah I have seen this response more often on this forum. Its like some of you don't realize you can read this forum without signing up? I have read this forum for a while, and decided to sign up so I can post. I read the welcome pm, and find it weird that people that I have had contact with for years, should suddenly act like strangers here?

What I have gathered so far:

Trendsaudio 10.2

Marantz 2220

Panasonic Px950 Px1050

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