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Post Pics of your HT and/or Speaker Rigs!

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Well I finally completed my new HT rig today and figured I'd share some pics of it with you guys:

Overview shot:


The centerpiece Sony KDS-55A2000:


Audio Rack: (from top to bottom - Marantz SR-7001, Rotel RMB-1075, Motorola HD-DVR, Samson S1000 (sub amp), Monster HTS-2600)


TV Stand w/ center channel and Oppo 981HD (bottom left) and Toshiba HD-A2 (bottom right):


Quad 22L (piano birdseye maple):


Custom sub (1 15" Styke AV-15, 2 18" Passive Radiators):


Close-up's of the gorgeous piano birdseye maple finish:




Overview from an angle:



I'm patiently waiting on my daughter to head off to college so I can steal her room. I can visualize a rig very similar to that along with my headphone gear in a "private space" just for dear old dad. Til then I'm quite certain I'd not get the WAF on something like that. I'm envious. Beauty of a setup. I also love that finish on the speakers. Just a wonderful look.


I'm pretty happy with my HT rig since adding the HDTV. The HK gear has been great. I'm pretty sure the 635 was mis-marked when I bought it, so I got a hell of a deal on that. The DVD-47 is a great universal player with excellent upconversion with the DCDi chip. I'm using Comcast's HD box/DVR in conjunction with my TiVo due to the combination of horrible interface and low capacity of the Moto box. Though I am looking forward to Comcast's agreement with TiVo to port their software into the Comcast STB w/ DVR which will also allow the TiVo Desktop capabilities of moving shows off the recorder onto NAS or a computer. And I have a new universal remote on the way to keep everything going.


  • Sony KDF-46E2000 HDTV
  • Motorola DCT3416i STB w/ 2-tuner DVR (HDTV) & 80 hour TiVo Series II DVR (SDTV)
  • Harman Kardon AVR-635 receiver & DVD-47 DVD/DVD-A/SACD/CD player
  • Boston Acoustics VR-30 front channels, VR-20 center w/ VR-10 center surround & CR-75 surrounds
  • Adcom GFA-535 amp powering 12" sub in sealed enclosure
  • Harmony 880 Universal Remote on the way.





Say WHAT?!?!?

The Moto remote BLOWS, and after juggling the 4 remotes on my coffee table, I decided it was finally time to step up. It's pretty well-regarded from everything that I've read, with a straight-forward, computer-based setup. It has fully-customizable activity macros and complete functionality for all the remotes it replaces, which is nice. And it's supposed to do very well with the DVRs, which is key.

Amazon has a great deal on it right now, and with my Prime free 2-day shipping, I figure it's worth a shot. At the price they're selling it for, it definitely seems to be a great value and offers the best balance of features and price. I'll be sure to let you know how it works out, as it should be arriving Wednesday.


Yep the finish is really first rate IMO. The pictures hardly do them justice.

On another note, I've been comparing the amp section of the Marantz SR-7001 to the Rotel RMB-1075 and I've been thoroughly impressed with how well the Marantz has compared.

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