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Posted (edited)

Is it any wonder that Australians import something like the SR-007 themselves? You can buy two of them for the Australian price (taking into account customs charges), so who cares about a warranty?

I think I might have that price wrong, but yeah, some people are really getting beat up. The Europeans particularly.

The customers not so much in the US, but the dealers are only getting 20 points or so. Not much incentive for them.

Edited by Tyll Hertsens

Here are retail prices in japan in jpy (pricejapan is insanely low):


-Dynamic audio 5555 (web order): 189000

-Yodobashi: 210000 (+10% discount for local resident when paying cash, 8% cc)

-fujiya avic (web order): 168000


-Dynamic audio 5555 (web order): 349650

-Yodobashi: 368000  (+10% discount for local resident when paying cash, 8% cc)

-fujiya avic (web order): 349650


Note that the yodobashi prices (before discount) are the msrp in japan. Same price is displayed / offered at the audio stores (such as dyna).

Web order prices are typically like what I have shown above (fujiya and dyna).

PriceJapan is very low, as if they're selling with virtually no margin ( because they don't have actual retail store like the others I suppose).

In lights of the prices I gave, retail in the us is pretty reasonable it seems (considering there has to be a distributor and such entity has operating costs...).

Not sure about sales volumes, I thought domestic sales were lower than export though.

Posted (edited)

Here are retail prices in japan in jpy (pricejapan is insanely low):


-Dynamic audio 5555 (web order): 189000

-Yodobashi: 210000 (+10% discount for local resident when paying cash, 8% cc)

-fujiya avic (web order): 168000


-Dynamic audio 5555 (web order): 349650

-Yodobashi: 368000 (+10% discount for local resident when paying cash, 8% cc)

-fujiya avic (web order): 349650

One of the main problems of importing into Europe is that you have to pay VAT @20% and Duty 3% and just to add insult to injury they levy these charges on the postage and insurance cost as well !! So you need to factor in an uplift of between 25% to 30%, depending on country, you have to pay to the government before they will release the goods to you mad.png Then there are the payment costs as the banks or paypal take their slice by offering you crap exchange rates and make a $30 charge just for processing the payment.

Edited by complin

complin: I've been away from France for too long, I've forgotten that the US and Japan have relatively low VAT compared to European countries. It's bound to increase in Japan (the prices I quoted include 5% local tax), but likely not in the 20% range...

Note to Tyll: you provably should account for local tax in your calculations, shouldn't you?


complin: I've been away from France for too long, I've forgotten that the US and Japan have relatively low VAT compared to European countries. It's bound to increase in Japan (the prices I quoted include 5% local tax), but likely not in the 20% range...

Note to Tyll: you provably should account for local tax in your calculations, shouldn't you?

I think Australia has quite high GST as well 19% or more?

Posted (edited)

Systems SRS-005S SR-003 + SRM-252S € 676798

SRS-2170 SR-207 + SRM-252S € 863 € 1.018

SRS-3170 SR-307 + SRM-323S € 1.433 € 1.691

SRS-4170 SR-407 + SRM-006tS € 2.095 € 2.472

SR-007MK2 SYSTEM SR-007 MK2 + SRM-006tS € 4.845 € 5.718

SR-007 MK2 SYSTEM 2 SR-007 MK2 + SRM-727II € 4.643 € 5.479

Earspeakers SR-003 € 210 € 247

SR-207 € 396 € 468

SR-307 € 449 € 530

SR-407 € 555 € 655

SR-507 € 883 € 1.042

SR-007 MK2 € 2.562 € 3.023

SR-009 € 4.656 € 5.494

Amplifiers SRM-252S € 467 € 551

SRM-323S € 984 € 1.161

SRM-006tS € 1.539 € 1.817

SRM-600 LIMITED € 1.767 € 2.085

SRM-007tII € 2.519 € 2.972

SRM-727II € 2.312 € 2.728

Right most column includes the 18% VAT.

Edited by Torpedo

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