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  1. Same serial number and all? Agreed, wanker tech...
  2. Dude, I haven't sunken to your level of retarded language and generally neanderthal behaviour. I said I wouldn't join the bully club. I have no fucking interest in it. I saw it at school, in night clubs with piss heads, I avoid violence and walk away from moronic behaviour. You obviously can't take any examination in your direction. If you remember you slung a public post at me saying the 'fucktard uses tubes to make his 009s sound good' No reason for that attack (with no logic). I PM'd you politely explaining to you that tubes in a decently designed DAC are not designed in as tone controls (as you are trying to say as a fact). Lets see, why do some top DACs use tubes? How many top pre-amplifiers also use tubes as regulated power supply and / or gain stage. I wonder why the T2 and the BHSE uses tubes in the gain stages or part of the gain stage? Are these designs garbage in your eyes? Clearly when I explained this to you in a shorter and more polite manner, you couldn't take it. So you blow off on one. I obviously had to respond. I sent you that review of your DAC, hoping you may see a bright sounding DAC would naturally make the 009s sound bright to you. The 007s are more forgiving IMO, better for your system I would suggest. You didn't like this. So here we are, you swearing in front of your mates for support. Lets kick the fuckers head in guys. Fucking wanker, fucking fascist cunt. Yeah kill him. This forum has some interesting things on it, but I don't join in the bully swearing club and daily character assassinations that seem to surround the positives. It seems to have got worse over the last 12 months. There are too many on here that ruin what could be a great forum of positives about this hobby. Yeah, I get the welcome intro, yes, be passionate, but cyber bullying and ridiculous language over a sound system. It isn't about religion or ISIS, it is about this amp or headphone sounds good, this amp works like that. Sharing DIY skills. Jeeze, WTF? How many times have I seen the word 'retard' on here. I may inform you I have a cousin who had brain damage in a car accident, and he got called a retard at college. I hate that, just like I hate any kind of hate. I won't hate you, I leave and pretend you don't exist, then the loop of hate ends. There, I am done. I put the photo in for some humour as someone said no humour. But I am not feeling funny. To those (many) who post great information on here (you know who you are) chill, I am not talking to you. I am talking to the idiots who troll, attack, cyber bully and swear, generally exhibit irrational and aggressive behaviour and go off topic so much to swear and basically assassinate anyone they see as not in 'the club'. so act like a neanderthal. Since when is that a good behaviour in an audio forum for enthusiasts? And when was it a great thing to be 'proud" of. The opportunity to display aggression and bad language remotely is in my mind cyber bullying. It is something to remove from the modern world, not encourage.
  3. Dang - I thought we would have used Wanker a lot more... Will have to work on that.
  4. Hmm, this forum seems to be heading behind the bike sheds .... for example http://www.head-case.org/forums/search/?type=all&q=wanker Not that that is a bad thing, it is quite amusing, except when personal attacks happen and words such as retard are used. I have a friend who cares for mentally ill patients so my tolerance for that kind of behaviour is zero.,
  5. It's been a busy week at work to say the least! Got the sony on Wednesday but didn't really get a chance to really listen until last night. My initial thoughts are this DAP is absolutely top notch. Sound is very very good , cleaner and slightly analytical it leans more to the sound of ayre/plinus while the 901 is more meridian/wadia like. The interface is every bit as good as the a k100 which is about all we seem to be able to expect out of these devices. I plan to do an iPhone, a k100, 901 and NW-ZX1 compare later (ala headfi wanker style). The iPhone still bests all these devices in pure usability but the sony and the ak do not frustrate too badly. The 901 I love despite the form factor and interface. In the end I think sony has charted a course that has them at least as good an interface and form factor than the rest of these products and a sound quality that is in the same league (albeit a different flavor) as the HiFIman 801/901. Oh and it is handling Dark Side of the Moon very well not creating gaps between songs! The hugo and Calyx products should be interesting. The Hugo is more a transportable product needing a transport (from what I have read) but the Calyx could be interesting.
  6. Mostly Autumn, whatever they have on Spotify, in reverse order -- The Ghost Moon Orchestra, Still Beautiful - Live 2011, That Night in Leamington...serious fucking wanker, dude has a serious David Gilmour fetish, exemplified by the opening to "Heroes Never Die", which is an obvious homage to the opening of "Shine On, You Crazy Diamond (Part 1)"...as well as the second half of every song they did evar, which is an epic guitar solo a la "Comfortably Numb". NTTAWWT. I'm listening to it, aren't I? But then they veer off and do something different like "The Spirit of Autumn Past" and "Flowers for Guns".
  7. I think you underestimate the power of the yuppie wanker market. ^^^ those aren't the super double secret ultra custom mega reference monitors. You can tell since the list price is only half. Plus it doesn't have enough adjectives.
  8. I think this is more meant for musicians who want to fine-tune their sound even more more, rather than capturing the yuppie wanker market, but I could be wrong. I would think that if you are a musician, and if you have some degree of uneven hearing loss or some specific preference, a monitor tuned exactly the way you want it to be would be good. Though again how this is better than an equalizer, I don't know, and then there is the price tag. Still, intrinsically I don't think this is a bad idea. Still not going to get one though because not JH13?
  9. You're confusing advice with abuse. Also you're taking "rules" too concretely and yourself far too seriously (in your last two posts). We dont "scare off newcomers" they just get banned for not taking a warning at face value. This forum is like a private table in a bar. Not like a music festival. If you turn out to be cool, your company will be most enjoyed. But we don't know you at all, so you'll be treated like the intrusive wanker at our table if you behave like one. We're not going to a different bar, so we'll just have the bouncer see you out.
  10. And while I'm at BandCamp -- MissSmiles4U's collection of demos. She's a wanker of the highest caliber.
  11. Ok, Mr Hertsens... let's say we're in the same city sometime... you game for some blind testing? Say my shit, crap, worthless, junk, wanker FiiO E7 vs something WAY more expensive and Head-Case Elite Blessed? Let's see you MAN UP to a blind test? Regardless of the outcome, you publish the video on Inner Fidelity, and I do the same on my blog. You game old man? Put your reputation on the line?
  12. ^^^ WTF said just then moar? Not Larry for understanding, responding crepulous wanker postings moar, too. Well 'o ... tovel shime fun.
  13. jp11801

    Audeze LCD-2

    says the wanker without a buzz and without the LCD 2s:dan: just for reference the GGD cds have no dynamic range and the Zus spit out shite whereas the LCDs spit out shit on a silver platter
  14. I think Patrick is a wanker.
  15. jp11801

    Audeze LCD-2

  16. You obviously have some technical chops to contribute, but you're coming off here as a bit of a wanker. Tone matters, in conversation as in the digital reproduction of music. Scratch that, a complete wanker.
  17. The audioengine 2s are something to be considered since they're not too big, but I'm really looking for a one-unit type thing since desk space is limited (L-shaped with one side with a back shelf/cupboard thing and a huge freaking phone and computer already there, and the other side facing where supposedly people will sit and pretend to listen to me, so no speakers can go there), and unless I want to buy my own shelving (not happening) to get some separation and set them up somewhere behind where I sit, I just don't see it. That new Zeppelin at least isn't as hideous as the football they called good design before. The size is right. Wonder what they're using for a DAC, since the wanker in the video goes on about it doing "all the hard work." The size is certainly right, and my boss wouldn't object to its physical presence. Just wondering how much of the cost goes to pay video idiots and website designers rather than towards sq. It's also not out yet. Has anyone here heard the original monstrosity? Went to Target. No Tivoli. Went to Best Buy again (next door to Target), but was too cranky to listen to anything. At least no real rush for now. Thanks for the suggestions, guys.
  18. I have no luv for either team but that just ain't the way it went down. According to my eyes and the AP, "Crosby was ushered to several live TV interviews by NHL personnel..." before joining the handshake line. The NHL is so shakey about the league's future and PR that they put the media above tradition or anything else. Yeah Crosby is a whiney bitch but that is a whole nuther issue. Gary Bettman, he's just a wanker: HNIC: Commissioner Gary Bettman Proves Why Hockey Fails in USA | Bleacher Report
  19. What's with all the Satriani defense everywhere? The guy is a wanker. I don't care if he's a pioneer in his field, his field sounds like someone handed a guitar and a distortion pedal to a babbage adding machine. Technical virtuosity aside, I find his actual musical ideas to be so simple that they are laughable. I think this is the general feeling on this and other equipment-related sites. If you are dead set on listening to a musician who practices every waking moment, listen to some Coltrane.
  20. Eh, Surfing with the Alien was basically Satch showing off. I didn't find anything interesting musically on it either. But, he's done better musically since then. Crystal Planet has some very nice rock tunes on it. I'm not too sure about the whole singing bit since I've yet to hear it. Malmsteen is a wanker. But I wouldn't put Satriani in the same category. Some of his music is just instrumental masturbation, but not all. He has some good material.
  21. I make anything look good. Wanker.
  22. JimP

    beatles vs. stones

    alright, I voted for the Stones, they actually put on a good live show - Mick Jagger's a wanker but I'm a big fan of Keith Richards. (I digress, but one of my all-time favorite songs is a duet between Tom Waits and Keith Richards -- 'That Feel' on Bone Machine. They never have this song as a karaoke selection, because I think I can sing this one...two donkeys braying, awesome)
  23. Well, when I buy an item in the $100-$500 price range I usually say something like: "If you wouldn't mind marking down the value of the item a bit, it would help me avoid some taxes, but I understand if you choose not to." Is that being a wanker? I've never forced someone to do it, and with certain items or very high dollar items I actually ask that they declare the full amount and insure it to help avoid any problems with me receiving the package. I would also never back out of a sale because someone decides not to under declare. That is their choice, and I respect it. I've actually had a couple people under declare packages they've sent to me without me asking for it. Luckily enough this has worked in my favour, but it is the reason that I now ask that they declare full value when it is an important item.
  24. Wanker.
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