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Everything posted by johnwmclean

  1. Thanks guys, Victor the attenuator is a Khozmo smd version. Yun, I’ve just had my first O2 MK1 ear massage, basically to test amp, and the briefest listen, I will post some impressions as soon as I get some more head time. eggil, the wiring needs some cleaning up, ground wiring and the bias wire needs to be routed properly and the LED needs to be wired into the front panel. BTW my build is a 450V A1968 version... Here’s where it’s at now...
  2. My KGSSHV breathes life...
  3. Whatever way you chose to cross i.e. diodes or resistors the outputs also need to be also need to flipped on this particular board version.
  4. ^ This is what I’m using for that very purpose: http://www.jaycar.com.au/productView.asp?ID=WS5504
  5. Thanks for this, I'm going to give this a crack as well.
  6. First put your VST files into your Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST Then install this VST/AU manager: http://www.kvraudio....anager_by_vstau The software is self explanatory, basically install all VST files. Edit: Neutrino will support VST for OS X http://neutrino.en.softonic.com/mac Runs limited features when expired, but still works fine for music playback.
  7. Speaking of crossfeed a dabble with TB isone is well worth it, especially considering it’s free 15 day trial period. All of my classical and well recorded acoustic music has benefited greatly. I’ve not gone nuts with the settings, I just use the default and adjust the speakers distance for 2 metres and left it. It’s one the best upgrades I’ve experienced with headphones.
  8. ^ translation The Headphone Processor by Pawel Acoustics is designed for use with high-quality high-end headphones designed. The electronic amplifier circuits are extremely wide bandwidth with low distortion and exceptionally designed, neutral sound. The selection and tuning of the sound components was carried out with love and devotion to music. For the following headphone models currently matched HP-1 devices are available: AKG K1000 Sennheiser HD800 (in preparation) STAX SR-202 / SR 303 / SR-404 / SR 007 and SR-4070 The Headphone Processor is simply looped into the signal path from the headphone amplifier. The function switch on the HP-1 allows the choice between the diffuse-field equalization, a neutral position and the bypass Binaural - mode. A function-level monitoring and display signals the operation and displays the correct modulation. The adaptation to different high signal levels is possible by means of 2-stage switch HI-LO on the back of the processor. The diffuse-field equalization leads to a fundamental improvement in sound. Their use is mainly a reproduction of dummy head stereophonic. The Binaural - mode, the diffuse field equalization expanded with the binaural transfer function. (Binaural head-related transfer function = both ears, with a natural listening experience both ears at the same time) The result is comparable with the usual loudspeaker reproduction. Also for the discerning ears in this setting should establish a permanent setting. When listening through headphones, creates the so-called in-head localization. Here we see the HP-1 binaural mode, the key improvements: The music playback through headphones is shifting from the back of the head forward and the proportions of the various noise sources appear in the right perspective. In particular, the realistic representation of space and convinces former figure distortions are a thing of the past.
  9. For the SMD Quads I just ordered... Diameter - 50mm Lenght - 70mm Shaft diameter - 6mm Mounting hole - 9-10mm
  10. I’ve was scotched by an earlier production pair (serial #427), I re-built my system trying to tame the beast, then came the LCD-2’s, I instantly gave the HD800 the ass. I’d be interested to re-visit a current modded pair of 800’s.
  11. Enrique, I’d buy again from Khozmo, I’m happy with the SMD’s I ordered.
  12. The product photography on Khozmo’s website is misleading and should be updated to current production versions, actual finishing is not as nice as depicted. The 3 Khozmo SMD’s versions I ordered came with wire leads, I was able to order the leads at any custom length. I measured the resistances for all three units, overall the result was satisfactory, not great matching, nevertheless nothing exceeding out of whack either. In the past I’ve also used a Khozmo ladder type, the SMD version has a much better mechanical feel.
  13. I’ve used these in the past... http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/6x8mm-CNC-Motor-Jaw-Shaft-Coupler-6mm-8mm-Flexible-Coupling-OD-20x26mm-/170825797929?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27c602d129#ht_2940wt_1120
  14. Great. Competition for TP’s monopoly.
  15. Thanks spritzer, that is good to know and saves me tampering.
  16. I’ve tested by psu, aiming for a +/-450V output, the result is +/-457V, will this be ok for the 2SA1968’s? I have some 430K’s on hand, that should bring it down to +/- 442V, what do you think...
  17. Thanks Kevin. El_Doug your build looks great, fingers crossed your psu is up and running soon.
  18. Just for the dummies and to clarify... The 4686a sand preferably should not be used with al oxide insulators, as the package would be thermally compromised? All that is required is a little thermal paste (white stuff)?
  19. Thanks Kevin, I was going to replace my installed parts - but if a 12v supply is ok, I’ll leave them in. -John
  20. Just noticed Lil Knights BOM for the +/-15 regulators should be 7915 and 7815 not 7912 and 7812.
  21. Well that's what you'd call a negative review )
  22. ... it’s a wonderful strategy so long as the multiplies aren’t the wrong part tee hee...
  23. ^ found these, all good now.
  24. I’m after some Xicon 442K’s, these if anyone has spares I need 12pcs... Otherwise I’m off to mouser to get my ass smacked for 40 bucks delivery...
  25. Sound advice, thankyou. I'll post back some impressions for sure.
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