The transformer is a beefier 150VA model, it uses a screen and the 420 V windings are now capable of continuous current @ 250mA.
The psu is standard 450V, for the amp boards I changed R8 and 9 from 180ohm to 113ohm, simply by parallelling 300ohm over the existing 180ohm resistors which saved lifting the amp boards of the heat sinks. I was going to dabble with the third stage, but chose to leave it, I was concerned about not being able to get the boards to balance. As it is I can get both boards under 1 V, but cannot get down to the ~ 0 V where I was before, not that is matters, just worth mentioning. As for heat, there’s not much difference, runs slightly warmer overall.
Listening I found higher frequencies have opened up, sounded really good to my ears and definitely worth the effort.