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Everything posted by johnwmclean

  1. Beautiful work Kerry, I’m enjoying the updates!
  2. Tran, I’ve unsubscribed from the Interest Check for T2 chassis parts. My wallets taken a beating lately and this could push my missus over the edge... Apologises for any inconvenience...
  3. Lazy git, get of your god dam backside and do some reading, especially the welcome pm.
  4. No boards. No sand. My position in the list is tentative till chassis price is confirmed, just to clarify.
  5. SoupRKnowva, did you ground pin 1 to chassis at entry point?
  6. Yeah, but CamExpert are significantly cheaper, I get a good service from them anyways. Glad to hear you got your panel fixed.
  7. So I gave in and bought a quad of Psvanes EL34PHs, I’m impressed so far, I can tell a clear difference (better) than the JJs I was using. The quality of the tubes looks good to my untrained eye, although when installing them I did notice that two had a slight rattle when shook (gently), felt like the filament was loose or something, is this normal an expected trait for an EL34? From memory some 300Bs had a similar trait.
  8. I’m down for chassis parts. Depending on final cost though... ...and thank you Lil Knight for all your hard work!
  9. That sure is coming together nicely Tran.
  10. Very nice chinsettawong. The transformer doesn’t look like a typical Sumr or is it another supplier?
  11. I like the dimensions, I wonder what would be the best way to support the psu boards in their upright position? The transformer diameter might be a factor as well.
  12. The Drones - Wait Long by the River and the Bodies of Your Enemies Will Float
  13. Spiritualized - Sweet Heart Sweet Light
  14. Piano is her favourite game to play. I’m sure she knows she’s one of the best composers for her age, but I don’t think that even concerns her. Pure innocence joy and fun.
  15. Yeah it was pretty much a no brainer deal couldn’t have pm’d him fast enough when I discovered the thread (thanks to wink). Knowing that it was a Tom Booker (nattonrice) build meant a lot, he’s a good friend and an excellent diyer.
  16. Toms all T2ed up... I was very happy to take this of his hands, poor guys just inundated with amps.
  17. ...and I thought there wasn’t going to be much more juice to squeeze out of the 007 MK1s after the KGSSHV. I’ve been having perpetual “holy shit” moments for days now, gotta love the honeymoon faze. Right now with the JJs I’m loving it, I live with these for a while and see how I go for tubes. Thanks for the recommendations... Now heres a little amp porn from my listening chair...
  18. I just recently acquired a BHSE, impulse purchase, but me thinks a very good one. The amp comes with JJ EL34's, should I leave it at that or is there anything to gain from other exotic tube choices? Being a hybrid I guessing tube choice is not as critical, but the hype train over on HF have me second guessing.
  19. Sorry s_r, I was not clear. I’m able to zero offset, but it drifts 5V - 0 + 5V because of the extra current. As the guys have said R26 needs to be a lower value if your pegged at 7V.
  20. 8.8mA here. I can get within 5V. Drift will rise the more you increase current.
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