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Everything posted by johnwmclean

  1. Sounds like hefty current surge putting strain on the windings that deteriorated over time. Thermistors would have helped.
  2. I'm sorry to hear your 009 is not up to snuff, that blows chucks, if it were me I'd be returning them, you have a 007 mk1 to get you by? Indeed.
  3. The KGSSHV is pretty straight forward if you've got a Crack and M3 under your belt. Go with the onboard version for simplicity sake, the threads all over the place, it is what it is. Read thouroughly, pay attention to HV building technique/safety and should be fine.
  4. What serial number? That may indicate an older unit.
  5. Mark, I know Diversified Testing Technology Laboratories presumably gave the CE approval for the LL and as stated by Alex tested for electrical, electromagnetic and safety requirements. http://www.dttlab.com also this http://www.cetest.nl/cemark0.htm
  6. I’m sure there are many ways to skin a cat with opinions as to safety. The LL may not be up to mine and your ideal of safety, but it has passed a standard deeming it safe for a commercial product. If you want to argue with the compliance standard that’s entirely a different debate.
  7. The amp has passed CE safety standard for export. End of debate in my book as far as the safety issue goes.
  8. I was in a similar position a while ago, finally caved and bought the 009s. There was a crossover period where I had both the 007 mk1s and 009s, I couldn’t afford to keep both. Both present differently, I liked the 009s vibrance and ethereal qualities, I like the 007s restraint for louder levels and longer listening sessions. The BHSE sounds absolutely fantastic with the 009s and of course as does the 007s. For devoted listening the 009s won me over, for background listening for hours a day the 007s may have been a better choice. Oh and congrats!
  9. On Peters request I’ve deleted the post from his review thread and placed it in the Review: Cavalli Liquid Lightning thread.
  10. I've posted this over on HF; Alex, Does the LL pose a safety concern? KG and Stax amps are voltage and current limited at the output jack. Do your designs follow a similar safety feature? Cheers, John I hope we get a response.
  11. Unless the said amp is a safety hazard, which thus far has not been raised, the issues although not trivial do not surprise me. Ideally amps from different manufacturers should have been scrutinised together as a collective group, avoiding the appearance of a witch hunt and the inevitable singling out of individuals. It’s a nasty business threatening someones livelihood, I know I couldn’t do it, not for these reasons anyhow. Love your work Kevin and Birgir, I’m just not backing you on this one.
  12. Unbalanced is a turn off, especially if your already all balanced up. But that's one heck of nice looking amplifier.
  13. I’m not really that surprised by the quality, they’d be many more culprits out there. And using Justin’s BHSE as a benchmark gets you nowhere, it’s stupidly cheap for such a high class product.
  14. Good points complin, had me second guessing my DAC hehe. A week before the 009s arrived I rolled the JJs for some xf3 Mullards and gave them a quick listen with the 007s. Tonight I changed back to the JJs, the presentation has definitely relaxed with 009s by a wide margin. The 009s came home in the end, the 007s are already sold... (wink) Happy Days!
  15. ... Well the 009s certainly have an effect on my bank balance. Having real difficulties, the 009 hasn't won me over. It does certain things better for the sacrifice of others, the 007 on the other hand seems more even keeled across a wider genre. Hands down the 009s is my choice for classical, I'll give it that...
  16. Found myself reaching out for the 007s today... just a lovely balanced phone, the elevated detail with the 009s started to wear thin, especially at higher listening levels.
  17. Probably a little big (19.7mm) but I found this pot exceptionally good, using it with the ess volume as well. Very smooth action, I’m using a hefty 40mm dact knob, feels amazing. http://au.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Vishay/PE30L0FL103MAB/?qs=/ha2pyFaduiNVN97hyKZaXQqQaLD/cP0gzoykKHtOU7g4/n9rOQ8TQ== http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/427/pe30-240032.pdf
  18. A slightly inebriated first listen, and I’m strongly leaning 009, although they did sound restricted for the first hour, being new I’m guessing the diaphragm needs some play time. I’ll give em a whirl in the morning with a clearer head.
  19. Thanks guys, well that clears that up, I’ll earth ground both via the umbilical.
  20. This is a bit of topic, as it’s in regards to my BH, but maybe still relevant for KGSSHV builders, and I didn’t want to make a separate thread for my query. My BHs transformers are housed in a separate plastic box. The psu and amp boards reside in separate metal chassis. Earth ground is connected to the amp/psu chassis via its umbilical from the transformer box. I’m upgrading and building a metal box for transformers, so I will need to connect earth ground in this box. Here’s my query... Do I need to also connect earth ground to the amp/psu chassis as well, via the umbilical? I know for a Beta22 2 box build the amp box is not connected the ground earth, but this being high voltage I want to be 100% sure.
  21. Incoming 009s this week, can’t wait to give them a good go not under meet conditions. Either way the 007 or 009 will be up for sale depending on the outcome.
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