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Everything posted by johnwmclean

  1. The Haxan Cloak - Excavation disturbing...
  2. Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy - I See A Darkness
  3. Should have, could have, would have Come on over and get your ear PMC massaged, I want to wipe off your smug face.
  4. Just put down some loot on a pair of PMC twenty 22s, got em secondhand, slightly used off ebay. Plain Jane in looks, hopefully big in sound, many rave reviews, who knows... Thanks all, I’ll let you know how I get on.
  5. Thanks guys, have added the Silverlines and Harbeths into the mix. Another interesting possibility is the PMC 22 from what I’ve read so far.
  6. I’ve just finished building an EUVL F5X amp and now I’m after a decent set of speakers for $3500 which is pretty much my limit. The amp is rated around 50 watt stereo in 8 ohms. Short listed these after a couple of days searching and racking my brain... Reference 3A MM De Capo BE Proac Response 2 Usher Tiny Dancer BE 718 I owned a pair of Reference 3A royal master controls around 16 years ago, I loved them with a SET 300b amp at the time. Proac and Usher I have no experience, just read some favourable reviews. Maybe the Usher is a bit power hungry.. I dunno. Any help appreciated.
  7. Is that a custom chassis? It looks stunning.
  8. For those interested in another solid state circuit; http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/pass-labs/248112-pass-stat-headphone-amplifier-concept.html#post3753546
  9. It’s good to get your impressions Padam from the perspective of a Realiser user it’s interesting indeed. I loaded VMware Fusion on my mac book pro and managed to get this software running. From the demos Rebecca Pidgeons track sounded much better than I’ve ever heard, but from within the software I cannot find the appropriate profile that matches. I’m only really interested in 2.0, I had mixed feelings about some of the profiles I liked. I kept returning to bypass and found it sounded best overall, although the Sasha Wilson Puppies room sounded quite nice, good presence but overall a tad too lively for long term.
  10. Thanks Doug that is a great idea, but at the moment I have the opportunity to return for refund, so I’ll think I take that option while still available. I’ve bought a quad of NOS SED Winged C, I’ll give them a crack and see if they are to my liking as the new production Chinese tubes have me less than enthused.
  11. Filaments lit up on all 4 tubes. Pins fit the sockets. Turning the bias pot doesn’t bring down voltage. They physically look flawless. I agree it is a little weird that all 4 tubes would be acting up.
  12. Permanently. My view of constructive posting didn’t really suit the administrators agendas or interests. Partly my stupid fault as well, as I was posting under another account name, not proud that one btw and just for the record.
  13. I bought a new quad of these: http://www.elecdol.com/index.php/product-2/6ca7el34/ They are basically treasures re-labelled, supposedly with better test parameters, who knows.... Anyway I’m getting 350V offset over both channels, balance is around 50V. My regular JJs which work fine. Can I safely assume these tubes are fucked?
  14. I knew eventually primal basics would make a come back.
  15. http://outofyourhead.net/demo/ For those interested in a cheap mans Smyth, using generic profiles, count me impressed and waiting for the OSX version.
  16. Point to point wiring (PTP) and nothing unusual for a SET amp. Good PTP is a work of art, bad P2P is a rats nest. A properly designed thick PCB with FR4 material and 2 oz copper is nothing to sneeze at. Cons and pros apply for both approaches.
  17. Nice clear photography in that link.
  18. Lovely build Victor. How are dynamics holding up to the stat rig?
  19. Designing to operate just long enough to last the warranty period is the icing on the cake.
  20. ume, thats a bloody terrific effort on any level, let alone for a first effort. Did you make your own PCBs, they look interesting?
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