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Everything posted by johnwmclean

  1. Very sad news so sorry for your loss Steve.
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. happy birthday dusty!!!
  4. I used the C3M0350120D in both the Carbon and GRHV. On the bench I tested the amp boards separately and they worked fine along with the GRHV. In the final build with 2 amp boards connected there was oscillation which caused all sorts of odd voltages, namely 400V over the outputs and a GRHV + rail that read 8V. Funnily enough I could get the amp working with the capacitive load of a dvm killing the oscillation when probing over the GRHV outputs and I had music. I replaced everything back to C2M1000170D and all was stable. To be honest I haven’t done enough testing to know whether the GRHV with the C3M0350120D would be ok in the field or not. But hopefully you can gain some insight from my experience with it.
  5. FWIW the C3M0350120D did not work out in a recent GRHV/Carbon I had all sorts of funky behaviour.
  6. yeah... that part is rated 72 amps and $83.85 a piece.
  7. High Tension An Australian band, at least some of our music is still cool even if our French relations are shit.
  8. mmm... I’m pretty sure that is the same old generation.
  9. Looks like a Chinese company that’s pricing using AUD. I have wondered how they made their amps so cheap. What a steaming pile of crap.
  10. Done, good luck Nate!
  11. It really isn’t patch on Kerrys magnificent builds, he’s on a whole other level.
  12. Finally done! I regrettably sold my previous KGSSHV Carbon a while ago, this one’s not going anywhere soon. This is a 400V, 19mA version, using the ground plane amp board, Sumr transformer and Goldpoint V47 attenuator. I bought the heatsinks from China and had all the drilling and panels done at Front Panel Express. I pulled out the Canon 5D from the cupboard for some tasty shots.
  13. More progress, it’s been a while since I tested one of these, I used Soren’s adjustment method for the CCS which worked well, dialled in for 19mA
  14. Another Carbon in the works, I received my panels and drilled heatsinks back today. I haven’t put it together yet... I sure hope everything fits. Adobe Illustrator preliminary file:
  15. Ledisi - Sings Nina
  16. Or you could use Molex Spox connectors instead of terminal blocks in those LV positions.
  17. I like it a lot!
  18. It’s a wee little beasty. Very slick, but how much current are your pushing with those sinks?
  19. Here’s a place to start:
  20. Goldpoint V47 is same Elma switch and a lot less money.
  21. I see Ok gotcha, DACT or RK50 only then. The Goldpoint V47 is 47 steps vs DACT 24 steps. I also prefer the wafers with PCBs vs DACTs pinouts (not an issue with your T2 pcb though). Then channel matching on either DACT or Goldpoint would be better than the RK50 as well as a lot less money. The Goldpoint feels incredibly good quality not RK50 quality, but a lot better than the DACT from my experience. I’ve also had Kozmo’s as well and was not a fan, maybe quality has improved but not willing to gamble.
  22. Since KSC5026M is 0 stock worldwide, could I drop in the original part 2SC3840 without issue into the latest HV designs?
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