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Everything posted by johnwmclean

  1. Thats cool to know! I may change it at some stage. I initially draw up side panels for Cam-Expert to mill in silver, but they don’t have multi axis capability. The only parts I purchased from modushop was the black side panels and the black knob.
  2. and done... I’m looking forward to listening session with BHSE for a comparison. When I get time I’ll take some shots with the 5D, only crappy iphone pics for now...
  3. Cheers guys! Had a great day with my family and parents, even managed to sneak in some DIY while nobody was looking.
  4. Thanks guys! That is a really odd photo, it does make the Sumr look tiny, it's the bog standard RC0100 050 12, 110 x 44mm.
  5. Except NwAvGuy doesn’t claim there is any sonic benefit using boutique caps.
  6. Instrumental Trumpet > Satch or Miles Piano > Bill Evans Sax > Sonny Rollins Vocal Male > Satch Female > Billie or Ella
  7. There’s a large vacant hole in-between the two tubes, a standoff here would probably help alleviate flexing changing tubes.
  8. Dr John - Ske-Dat-De-Dat The Spirit of Satch
  9. Radical Face - The Familiy Tree / The Branches
  10. It’s about time we added some $$$, let them high end speaker folk know we ain’t fucking round anymore. Hell ...a god damn decent power cable nowadays is around $10k.
  11. The ground plane on the newer pcbs has been removed from under the caps. I don’t see having the caps hard up against the pcb would be a problem now as the clearance is at least 3mm.
  12. Just made me choke on my coffee. Hilarious. Best wishes to you Tyll.
  13. Indeed it was written for violin. I think Bach's wrote 4 suites for lute, they transcribe well to the modern guitar. I play also (guitar), not Bach though, way too difficult, but I enjoy hearing the greats play his works.
  14. I'm going to have a good listen to the great recommendations I haven't yet heard. Not strictly concerto music, I find Bach's suites for classical guitar amazing, I have a preference for John Williams interpretations and playing style for Bach's music. Chaconne from BWM 1004 is a particularly beautiful piece to wet your appetite.
  15. johnwmclean


    Distortion of Sound http://www.youtube.com/user/DistortionOfSound?v=mDZcz-V29_M Enjoy!
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