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Everything posted by johnwmclean

  1. I spent many hours choosing between an older pair of 007mk1’s and the 009’s with a BHSE. The 009 was the clear winner, less muddy, not as coloured and better transparency. Brightness was never an issue.
  2. Yes I want to see Birgir’s bottom as well.
  3. Hang on... I though the all the crazy assholes were this side of the fence?
  4. That’s assuming it’s not a sudden departure from the mortal world and you’re not left was a catastrophic scenario.
  5. Agree, do the extra hole for a job done right. The data sheet also has dimensions.
  6. I scan my boards @ 100% size before populating. Gives me accurate dimensions for standoff hole distances.
  7. Well I did purchase the Psvane quad from ebay... But returned them. I'd be interested to known how many hours you eventually get out of those tubes.
  8. I don’t find the SED Winged C’s thin, I’ve not had any issues of uncomfortable highs in my system using the 009’s, I would expect this to be a source issue if anything? The Psvane company practices are dubious, the local market gets flooded with b stock crap (which lands on ebay). The only reliable place it seems to source from is a third party company who demand a better spec for their exported tubes. I can only surmise Psvane have a very poor yield of decent quality tubes. I found it odd that the dam things sounded so good with such poor built quality, my quads rattled mechanically with extraordinary loudness. Phillips replica indeed, Stanley Mullard would be rolling over in his grave.
  9. I was referring to CD44hi's post. Orange could you please stop posting and read you welcome PM. Edit: I have it on good account that Orange will slow down and will re read his welcome pm.
  10. I like the SED Winged C’s best. Tried Psvanes, XF4’s, RFT’s and JJs. Psvane’s sounded amazing, but the quality was rubbish...
  11. Can’t help feeling sorry for the guy. But $10,000? No bloody way.
  12. Is this the mod that takes a perfectly fine 009 and turns them into a dark sounding 007 mk1?
  13. Nice work JoaMat! Calling Kevin, I wonder if all the components of the psu could fit a smaller pcb to match the size of the modded board (including transformers)? I think I’m dreaming....
  14. I like it a lot. I do prefer the single board layout. Nice one Kevin and Joamat.
  15. Way over due, miss you Tom! I'll organise something sooner rather than later.
  16. I compared an onboard 5.5mA KGSSHV vs BHSE with the SR-009s. I was flat out discerning any differences at all, maybe the SR-007 MK1s would have elaborated better.
  17. A little review; http://www.the-ear.net/review-hardware/pmc-twenty26-floorstanding-loudspeaker
  18. Or maybe a connection at the Stax Jack itself? Measure the offset/balance with headphones connected and then without, there could be some flexing of a cold join somewhere?
  19. Take a 32ohm headphone, the current would be 0.030/32 = 0.9375mA, so definitely no damage.
  20. Yes they are Sigma 22s. Why do you need to desolder to reset the trimpots? Try walking each pot in, by smaller turns, incrementally, wait a little between each turn for some stabalisation, take your time.
  21. Nothing local I'm afraid, was all done in the States by Cam Expert. Reasonable prices, good communication and they'll quote overnight.
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