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Everything posted by johnwmclean

  1. Til hamingju með afmælið Birgir.
  2. I used large washers (~16mm M3 hole) when I build my F5X, got the idea from some of Nelsons amps, they work really nice spreading the pressure evenly.
  3. Bauhaus - In the Flat Field (An all time favourite off mine, hadn’t listened to it for around 25 years)
  4. 4 x Amp Board V3 2 x Dual HV PS 4 x Single FAT HV PS Cheers!
  5. Pete doesn’t mess around.
  6. Have you swapped the amp boards around? I can’t help thinking this an external issue with the proximity of the amp board.
  7. 313mm (w) x 267mm (d) x 151.5mm (h)
  8. No need so far, it’s only just warmish after a couple of hours. Indeed there is, I’ve just added pics in the builds thread.
  9. This is tight...
  10. I can’t pick a favourite between the KGSSHV or BHSE out of the SR009s. I can’t be arsed waiting for the BHSE to warm up, I spend most of my time using the KGSSHV.
  11. Soz about that.
  12. Looking good your so close now, betcha can't wait! You might get away by cutting the long al shaft into two pieces using a shaft coupler?
  13. I have heard those DACs with my BHSE and DACT installed, and have demoed one of Justin’s units with an RK50 installed with my own NAD M51 and an Yggdrasil. Most of my direct comparisons with volume control impressions have been with the DACT, it’s channel matching is within -/+ 0.05dB vs the RK50 -/+1dB -100dB to 0dB.
  14. ...but the K-01’s got a 32 bit digital volume control, your ears though. After hearing a few recent DACs with nicely implemented volume controls such as the NADM51 and BuffaloIIISE I’ve ditched the old analog pot. Some reading; http://www.esstech.com/pdf/digital-vs-analog-volume-control.pdf http://resonessencelabs.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/invicta_analog_vs_digital_volume.pdf
  15. So the K-01’s got a crap volume control?
  16. Love the wood, and great build.
  17. Real men solder the wires directly to the socket pins.
  18. RN60D are rated only 1/4W.
  19. http://www.head-fi.org/t/769105/mjolnir-audio-electrostatic-amps Some dodgy website, claims to be producing some of Kevin's amps.
  20. A naamanf build... nice. I wonder what state it’s in now as its been through a few hands. and arnaud your BHSE is stunning, congrats.
  21. Spencer may be able to help... http://www.fetaudio.com/archives/category/shop
  22. Looks like it was use as a target in a pistol range.
  23. Sorenb, congrats on your progressing build. I appreciate your detailed follow up post above, that is really helpful!
  24. I really like this
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