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Everything posted by johnwmclean

  1. The storage capacity is quite remarkable and deadly without some load. I've been zapped by a KGSSHV PSU after a week being left off.
  2. Great site! I was looking around for something like this a while back.
  3. That’s got to be one on the cleanest set of instructions, list of parts etc I’ve ever seen. Congrats Ti, very tempting!
  4. The residue is a film of fine flux, broken down by the alcohol. You may need to do several applications with the alcohol before the board becomes squeaky clean, but the isopropyl alcohol is all you need. Each application needs a fresh batch of alcohol and the toothbrush needs a good rinse in between applications, unless you have several clean fresh ones. I'm fairly liberal and use a good amount with each pass.
  5. It may very well be fine. Though my experience is if the contents are not stated then it’s usually a weaker mix. It’ll still work, but not as effectively as a 98 -99% isopropyl alcohol.
  6. I wouldn’t use it, has to be at least 98-99% pure isopropyl alcohol as Nate has alluded to. The lower graded solution probably would do no harm it just wouldn’t have the cutting capability of a pure grade solution, hence you end up doing more passes to clean of the flux gunk.
  7. I just love the controlled restraint.
  8. insanity - that’s a great impression and much appreciated.
  9. Oh yeah you’re right... sorry GeorgeP.
  10. Even if Dave’s gear (K-01, 009 and BHSE) sold at new prices it would hardly be near the Orpheus price tag. Maybe the Yggdrasil is a side grade, maybe not, one things for sure I’m looking forward to impressions. Congrats Dave!
  11. ^Yep, I agree, needs paste. No matter how well machined and finished, there will be pockets of air that will reduce transfer.
  12. Anybody had experience with these attenuators? http://www.ebay.com/itm/EIZZ-250K-4x24-step-balanced-4-channel-audio-Attenuator-Potentiometer-brand-new-/321868978100
  13. Looks good insanity, what a stack! .... but you’ve lost symmetry with the centred volume control.
  14. I can see it now... Sennheiser abandons it’s lucrative mass market products for the pursuit of excellence in sound for all the 0.0001%ers out there.
  15. I like the marble, tube housing and knobs, the only thing that kills the deal is the darn ugly headphone box attached to the top of the thing. It’s good see Sennheiser producing this stuff with their hearts still in it.
  16. Just picked my jaw back up. That’s the dogs bollocks!
  17. Looks like you’ve made your mind up and won’t be changed. You’ve let us know how your system has evolved and that you’ll be purchasing a CH Precision DAC, and that it’s problematic expense for yourself, but will not look at other DACs. I’m happy to offer advice, I’m sure other more knowledgeable people here would chip in as well, but if you’re not willing to consider other alternatives and have made your mind up there is no point. Part of the reason I’m involved in this community is the researching and understanding of real world performance from gear that offers value for money, whilst avoiding over priced products and snake oil in general. I’m a little bewilded as to why you’ve started this thread in the first place? I just don’t see the point, or am I missing something here? Somehow I don’t think the paupers around these parts are going to be indulging.
  18. Happy this worked out, well done Tinkerer.
  19. Having a highly resolving system can be your worst enemy or best friend, the balance hangs with both system synergy and personal preference. You may very well have been chasing your tail with tube replacements band-aiding a source which may not have been to your taste. The BHSE (SED winged C’s) and 009’s are my current reference, my preference is for a source on the warm/lush side of neutral, I suspect the K-01 may lend it self to an analytical detailed presentation from reading many of your posts? I’ve not had any experience with the CH Precision C1 DAC, but it’s a departure in implementation from the K-01, being an R2R vs DS and if you believe the hype this may need to be something you need to investigate. Dave I recommend investigating all other available options, don’t get tunnel visioned into this one almighty purchase, DACs tend to depreciate sooner than other audio investments, so factor that in, come 3 years there may very well be a $2,299 DAC lapping at the heels of the CH Precision C1.
  20. No... I actually sold the KGSSHV without a volume control and kept the KGSSHV with a volume control as I knew the Yggdrasil purchase was imminent What I miss is the M51s remote... and it doesn’t help that my racks over the other side of the room, dammit ... I swore I wasn’t going to get a Yggy for this very reason, I suppose a 21 bit digital volume would just truncate way too much. Luckily is sounds fab so I don’t feel so jipped. ... and the calories I’m burning off to adjust volume.
  21. I usually struggle defining any differences between sources, I consider my one day old Yggdrasil considerably better than my NAD M51, it really took me by surprise as I wasn’t expecting the hype to live up to my expectations. It’s definitely a landmark purchase for me. Edit: Yggdrasil > KGSSHV > SR-009, will spark up the BHSE at some time and give that a listen over the weekend.
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