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Everything posted by johnwmclean

  1. Test and trim the board first without jumpers. To activate the servos jumper one or the other, not both at the same time, you decide which servo to use.
  2. Thanks Purk, Winged C’s in the BHSE, Winged C's in the T2. I really need to invest in some decent glass, shame on me, I’m sure there’d be an improvement by a significant magnitude, so please take my comments bearing this in mind. To clarify the T2 is not my build, I have on loan from "wink".
  3. So sad reading the paper this morning... no words. RIP
  4. To be faIr quite some time has passed since you’ve stopped using SUMR, things may have changed. Richard sent me an email a while ago in acknowledgement of some bad press he’s received both here and diyaudio and he’s endeavouring to improve qc. The recent batches I’ve received are bang on spec and run dead quite, I know Kerry’s using them in his beautiful new T2 it would be interesting to get his input as well. But from my perspective there is a definite improvement.
  5. Screen Shot 2016-06-09 at 10.00.02 AM This was posted in the Aussie & NZ Head-Fiers corner. Although it’s probably what astrostar59 states in pm’s that does most damage.
  6. Today on Head-Fi You are a retard, you talk crap and have not got a single clue how this stuff works.
  7. I want to set a few things straight from the latest stupidity over on the Head-Fi Stax Thread. I am not reputable builder, that implies I’ve built and sold and have gained a following of sorts, which I really don’t give a toss for. I build for fun and happiness, I sell them as the needs be to support my hobby with future designs and builds in mind. As for cost of DIY, the posters over there are clueless and have no idea whatsoever. One size does not fit all, there are numerous details and factors that influence the cost from builder to builder, from my perspective with a weak Australia dollar, shipping and parts cost have gone through the roof. I ship transformers from Canada, Chassis parts from Italy and milled panels from the US and that’s just for starters. By the time I take out eBay fees I count myself lucky if I make parts cost, more times than not I’m at a loss. If I ever decide a commercial enterprise geared for profiteering (highly doubt this) I’ll be sure to contact Kevin and Birgir for their permission. The rest of the dim witted retards who haven’t got any idea should keep their traps well and truly shut. Edit; Thanks Soren, Purk, Paradoxper and JimL 11 for some sanity.
  8. Rol can you confirm if these were the xicon 273’s?
  9. Review: http://www.hifiplus.com/articles/schiit-audio-yggdrasil-dac-and-ragnarok-headphoneintegrated-amplifier/
  10. The highest reading I‘ve had on start up is around 15V and this quickly settles, I will try the servos at some stage to see if how they perform.
  11. The transformer is hooked up correctly, based on Avel Lindberg wiring colours. Did the windings or transformer come in contact with the chassis ground? I’ve had a transformer short to the chassis, took out the fuse but didn’t damage anything up stream.
  12. Thanks guys! As to the sound, I’ve had a fairly good listen now, I can confidently say It’s a good improvement in performance from the KGSSHV’s and BHSE I have on hand. I’ve always maintained the BHSE and KGSSHV were a similar calibre, with different signatures depending on your taste and music genre. Interestingly I find myself in the same scenario with the Carbon and the T2, I don’t prefer one over the other, both have slight contrasting differences. To be crude and simplistic, the Carbon has transparency and the T2 sweetness and tone, but both amps do everything exceptionally well. The Carbon is unquestionably the most stable amp in my arsenal, do we need servos on the next board runs?
  13. Well done jose. I was going to post these images in the builds thread but it’s missing in action. Thanks to Kevin and Birgir for being awesome. Thanks to Michael (mw168) for all the work you’ve put in with the group buys and documenting etc it’s been very helpful. A couple KGSSHV Carbon amps running 400V @ 20ma, GRLV supplies, SUMR transformers.
  14. The pinned thread “post pics of you builds” has disappeared or at least I cannot see it.
  15. I’m always amazed by our much fine detail must go into work like this. Beautiful Kerry!
  16. They're Justin's from many years ago, I think... maybe, my spare parts bin is just out of control. workstarr26, check your pm.
  17. Geoff, I’ve not heard anything yet. Will be interesting when I do, I have a KGSSHV, BHSE and DIYT2 for comparison .
  18. ... and even with a drill press it’s no bed of roses. Pars the cases are my custom design and size, the heatsinks were bought eBay (from China), the panels were all fabricated by Cam-Expert, they also drilled the heatsinks, I sent them images of the style of brushed finish I wanted and they matched it. Internally the amps measure 300mm(w) 280mm(d) x 115mm(ht), its quite a fit, having lots of fun wiring atm .
  19. Progress... I’m going to need smaller hands Edit: When testing the boards I easily attained 20mA using 120ohm resistors with zero offset and balance.
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