I'm surprised to see a thread dedicated to the Stax old vs. new pads issue. It's a good thing, IMO, because unlike some other users I have a pretty strong preference for the old pads with foam, despite the foam durability issue. So I think people should know that, at least according to these ears:
1. old pads > new pleather pads (foam removed from the old pads, both using the same cloth from the new pads package)
2. foam > cloth
3. and old pads with foam >> new pleather pads with cloth
I posted about these things in detail on the other forum, do a little search if you like because I'm too lazy to do it myself right now. I must add that I did compare the pads a lot, for several weeks, in my home with my phones. At least another user on the aforementioned forum, namely EddieE, confirmed my preference for the old pads with foam, adding that the 507 real leather pads (with cloth as well) sound better than both.