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Everything posted by Currawong

  1. I'm thinking that, until I have space to put a drill press and whatnot to do case work and build gear, that I might just be lazy and plug for a 727 and do the mod or SRM-600LTD. However, they show up as the same price. I gather that the 727 modded amounts to much the same as a KGSSHV and the SRM-600 is a T1S with more grunt. Either sounds appealing to me. Should I particularly go for one or the other or would I be splitting hairs?
  2. Been a while since I had a look through this thread. VPI: I really like your building shots. Nice compositions there. I'll have to make note of this, as well as of Dan's 28-300 suggestion. I only have a 35 1:2D and the 18-200mm for shooting at the moment. I need to work out what actual range I use with it most though. Probably a 16 or 17 to 70 or so would suit me best for outdoors. I just picked up the D7000 and have been slowly digesting the manual, it having replace my D80. Prior to that, I had wanted a D300S after seeing what my friend had achieved with his on his travels around Japan. The D7000 is spot-on for me, as long as I make sure I don't forget any of the important settings, which I tended to do with the D80. The first thing I did was to go mad shooting cherry blossoms before the rains kick in and wash them all away.
  3. The latest 10.6 version has TRIM support for some third party SSD drives, so that's worth looking out for.
  4. No. Not my best post, but after plugging them into a bunch of amps it's what I think. If it's idiotic, please explain to me why. Some of the guys here have put me right with things, so I'm not pissing in your pocket in any way when I say this.
  5. HeadRoom's last pair of 120V monoblocks. Finding a badass power amp gave way to low power and small size in the end and I don't ever play loud.
  6. ^ This. I still do think they are damn good, as with a good 2W+ amp they have a magic presentation. However, their as-flat-as-possible frequency response (or rather, no mid-bass hump and treble peak) doesn't gel with a lot of people. I took the grills off mine, which gives good results, but I feel there is something very slightly wrong with the sound, which may have something to do with the damping. It feels as if the wood is echoing, however crazy that may sound. Someone else suggested something like it and I thought it might be crazy at first but now I'm not so sure. I'm not particularly enthusiastic about adding weight to them to test theories though, as they are heavy enough already.
  7. I've been rather smitten with the high-res version of Getz / Gilberto (Most well known for The Girl from Ipanema). The recording itself isn't that amazing, but the sax playing is. The songs are mostly Gilberto singing for a minute or two, then Getz singing the rest with his sax. Astrud, who sings on a couple of the tracks, has a voice that could melt steel.
  8. There was a guy in Portland posting radiation readings he was taking, saying that they were all from Japan. Was pretty funny. Some minuscule amount of Cesium-137 was detected on plants here. I wonder what results we'd get if the government carefully measured the effects of such things as the oil refinery fire and whatnot on the environment in as much detail. I think a lot of companies would be in a lot of trouble in that case.
  9. I took the grills off my LCD-2s the other night, which also removes a piece of loose cloth sitting behind them. I am very much enjoying the improvement from that.
  10. Yes, I am, because I have seen all the PM convo and I'm in a bad mood. He was told, by jude, he was welcome to post everything on his blog on Head-Fi if he wanted. But signing up to just promote his site wasn't welcome. *Cough*
  11. This is a lie. You were told, specifically, multiple times, that the issue was with you coming to Head-Fi and promoting your blog. I'm all for revealing bullshit with genuine science, but that means, if you're going to get any respect, you need to stop bullshitting as well.
  12. I use the 31-ban EQ for experimenting with FR. You can draw curves in it by holding down the control key.
  13. Better the hydrogen be vented and go bang outside then build up and blow the lid.
  14. What Nebby said. I'm all for measuring stuff and saying "This is why you hear X with this gear when you listen." but FFS, it's not a $1000 DAC or anything.
  15. Nikon's Sendai factory is only a couple of miles from the shore, which isn't good.
  16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12721498 A nuclear expert on twitter (@arclight) speculates (with emphasis on that word) that the pressure release included a lot of hydrogen, which exploded. Light water reactors can't do a Chernobyl. Regardless, Chernobyl was the result of a huge clusterfuck of decisions. The guys here would piss on the reactor if that was what it took to cool it down.
  17. Fidelia shows up as a Universal app, as does Pure Music and Vox. Clementine and Decibel do not. The others I've deleted off my computer. Decibel is my pick for sound quality, followed by Fidelia. I can't be bothered analysing why, simply that I seem to be enjoying the music most using those two. The differences, if any, are extremely subtle.
  18. For ages, I left mine at 96k, which is the highest for optical. I have 88200 (88.2) available for my "Built-in Output", which is the optical out in 10.6 on my early 2010 MacBook Pro by the way. Core Audio will resample to whatever output is selected. Most of the new music players for Mac OS X will auto-change the output to match now. All are far more reasonably priced than Amarra.
  19. This comment was interesting: Quite a few times when I've become interested in an artist, I've headed to Youtube to see videos of them and I also remember getting up early on weekend mornings to watch Rage, Video Hits and others on TV, which counted down the top 50 of that week. I think something along the lines of high-res, well-mastered recordings of live performances in a high-res video format which I could watch AND listen to in high fidelity would be fantastic. Considering we have BluRay players and high-end displays available, I'm surprised it hasn't caught on with audiophiles, unless I'm missing something. I did notice Nuforce selling analogue stage upgrades for Oppo players, so maybe I have.
  20. The insurance company, after 3 months of phone calls to them and the assessors, are finally going to pay off a claim, a year late. The stupid assessor didn't send them all the info needed to finalise the claim, so, vastly down on manpower due to floods bloody everywhere in Australia this year, had to go to their archives and dig the file out. I finally got them to get on to it by calling and telling the individual responsible that I was going to damn well call everyone under the sun senior to him if it wasn't done TODAY. Thankfully everyone concerned I talked to (half the people in the office where they process claims at some point or another) and the assessing staff were all very nice. The only downside is the money I get back is about the same as what it cost for all the repairs on my house, so I only really break even.
  21. Supposed to be 100 Mbit FTTH. It's really VDSL to a fibre box on the building. Now they are advertising 200 Mbit. Korea has it better. Speeds outside of the country are strangely quite low.
  22. AJAX-based code can hang without any indication, hence the delayed posts. As for refurbs, now all the stores will have upgraded their demo models, all the old demos will end up on the Apple Store. I don't know if it works there, but here if I go to the store the day new models are announced, I can buy the demo models directly from the store, before they send them off to be sold online.
  23. I wonder if the synergy is good with the flowers.
  24. Damn and damn. And the store has an option for a 512 GB SSD. And I could eventually replace all the @#()$*ing cabling here with Thunderbolt/DisplayPort. If only it could cook as well and I could make my wife happy as well by buying one.
  25. I had a feeling it would be a mistake to purchase a 15" last winter without an Expresscard slot, as I can't kludge an upgrade. I would happily like to piss off all these damn cables and just have one daisy chain for everything. By the way, does anyone else see the irony in full-screen apps in Mac OS X after years of people ranting how, unlike in Windows, Mac apps were designed to work without requiring them to be viewed full-screen?
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