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Everything posted by Currawong

  1. Ooh, adjustable bias voltage from 200V to 630V. I have co-opted my wife into contacting them about how much it costs for one.
  2. This is my conclusion, as my graph from Sennheiser has the 6k or so peak higher than the graphs of others, and that mates with my EQ experiments.
  3. Once I added 2 basic Furutech plugs, it came closer to $100, but I rather like the result I got building one from Cryoparts CryoMax power cable. It's chunky and inflexible stuff though. AJ Van Den Hul reckons that power cables have to be at least 5ft/1.5m to make a difference though.
  4. I had an Audiotrak Prodigy Cube, and it died. Worked well before that though. There's some good reading here about DA stuff, including up-sampling and jitter
  5. I think both need serious amping and serious sources to be worth owning. I agree with the thought that both are rather meh otherwise. IMO Lambda Nova Signatures are a far better listen with the big Stax amps (and possibly other lambdas, though I haven't tried yet), and arguably better value than what it would cost for a good amps + HD-800s. If you put Herbies tube dampers on the tubes in a 007t, you'll wonder why people think that Lambdas don't have bass. However, the HD-800 do have that soundstage-to-die-for if you listen at medium volume. You're looking at $1k or just over for a LNS + 717, 007t or T1 from Japan, and possibly 2.5x to 3x that or more for HD-800 and amp. Then there's a DAC. I'm a member of team "Your DAC is Never Good Enough For Stax" too. My Stax rig with LNS, if I wasn't borrowing the 007t: $2.5k approx. all up, including cables. My dynamic rig with HD-800's (same DAC): $4k approx. all up. Crap, I just thought about how much I've spent in the last year.
  6. I posted this on HF, but if one turns up at the local Stax dealer (small hi-fi shop) then I'll see if they wont let me take internal shots, though some will surely turn up on a Japanese blog somewhere sooner or later.
  7. I traded my A1000X. In the end, I didn't really like the bass, which lacked punch, and the way they sat on my head. I carefully adjusted the curve of the headband to fit them better, but it didn't improve things much. The funniest thing is, the aluminium frame was coated in such a way that until I double-checked, I thought it was plastic.
  8. This means that, because the Japanese are big on the latest gear, P-1's will be available cheap.
  9. Want! My SR-5NB's want to look woodied too.
  10. I completely rebuilt my computer table and audio rack, only to receive a complaint that it's too tall, so I have to rebuild the rack again today.
  11. IMO, pizza, or bread on cheese, or anything similar, is best with onion. My father-in-law, post-retirement, is now the manager of a public bath (this is Japan), including what was a bare garden. He recently gave us a bag of onions he grew in it. We couldn't be happier.
  12. Usually the image has been killed by the time they post in many forums, but if you see some weird posts by new members, click on their username and "Final all posts" and you'll see the image link. Can't see it with this one, but the first post might have been a wind-up to get discussion happening before links were posted.
  13. I'm thinking of keeping this 007t Craig lent me for my LNS and SR-5NB for similar reasons. The touch of tube makes jazz utterly engaging with the latter, and I prefer trying to blow my head off with the former, as the HD-800's are fatiguing for me at loud volumes. A listening run with the O2/717 sounds a bit more congested than the HD800/Phoenix, which was a shock. I accept if that's due to the O2's being under-driven and somewhat due to tonal differences.
  14. I went and had a massage to relieve stress, then got stuck in a nasty traffic jam. At least it was cool and not raining (it's rainy season here).
  15. This kind of thing sounds like a rigged argument from the record labels so they can make more money. I remember reading the bio of a famous artist -- might have been MJ, I don't remember -- where it said he got the highest royalties of any artist on one of his albums, 2%!
  16. That would explain that I'd read it somewhere. My feeling is that the big stadium around one's ears + the large drivers has something to do with this, only working properly within a certain volume range. I can't explain this well, but at higher volumes, I feel like my ears are being overwhelmed. I've been switching back and forth between the HD-800's, LNS and O2's and I've decided what I want... an electrostatic HD-800.
  17. It's interesting you mention electrostats. If I turned the volume up with the HD-800s, I find them fatiguing. I don't have this issue with the Stax I have here. At moderate listening levels though the HD-800s are rather pleasant. IIRC someone from Sennheiser recommended moderate and not loud listening levels with them.
  18. Missed the edit limit: I remove one comment I made that, in hindsight, is over the top, from my C2C review. About the fuses (with my details removed):
  19. I don't believe I need to update anything. What I wrote was what I knew or believed at the point in time I wrote it. Some errors I made I believe I have corrected already. If you see anything you believe is currently wrong, please let me know.
  20. I only recall shooting a silenced 22 outdoors. I remember the non-subsonic ammo would produce the usual "crack" if not much or no bang. Was quite a few years ago though.
  21. If I had $24k to spend on a player, it would be a Mac Pro with a 30" screen, which would come to the same thing. I don't understand the description of those Stereophile graphs. At certain frequencies I have a high resistance to technical jargon.
  22. Are you planning to become an assassin? Nice gun though. I miss shooting.
  23. I'll bet the probate and subsequent court battles over his money and music catalogues will be epic.
  24. It was in the thread of Duggeh's that was deleted.
  25. Duggeh: Reading between the lines (of one of mbriant's posts), I think you've been declared a troll who posts on behalf of a group of conspiracy-creating people on here. I was tempted to suggest earlier just reposting in the regular forums, but that would make me part of the conspiracy.
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