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Everything posted by Currawong

  1. I wish I'd thought of getting one of these instead of the PCLinkII as a format converter as having it double as a DAC for travelling would have been handy.
  2. I tried an Audiogon URL with and without the extra suffice tacked on in a post preview and they both work. Maybe in tom's post, for example, he posted the second URL using the link button? The parser wont override things if you put in the URL tags yourself. Or were you thinking of a post you've made yourself where it didn't parse??
  3. Works for me. That just pasting the url into the body of the post, not using the link button.
  4. By the looks of things they are nylon tubes, I imagine to stop idiots causing a short by accident when adjusting the bias.
  5. Interesting indeed. This gives me thoughts of putting up the 404LE + 600LE against my 007t + LNS. Anyone want to buy both through Craig so I can test?
  6. OMG you evil people, corrupting youth....oh wait, this is Duggeh...never mind. I, for one, don't want to know what you've been doing to Brent's arse, you can keep that to yourselves. Anyway, joking aside, it looks like you guys are having a lot of good fun and leaving Duggeh with good memories...at least if he remembers anything after all that drinking.
  7. Comments like that invite discussion of jitter, meaning that a bunch of blindly opinionated people, none of whom own an oscilloscope, let alone know how to use one, will start ranting like a bunch of Christians of different denominations thrown in a room together to discuss the religious symbolism of William Blake's poetry. Yes, I speak from experience about the William Blake bit.
  8. 4x quieter = a few dB lower THD probably.
  9. When I think of "clinical" I think of pro-audio DACs that are tuned to measure flat, but have enough distortion to make music unpleasant to listen to for any length of time. I think the 6.3k peak in the HD-800's frequency response is responsible for much in the way of bad experiences, as it emphasises sibilance very often, as well as distortion in vocals and more. With people getting them and hearing the distortion in their gear, they blame the headphones.
  10. There isn't a huge difference between a 007t and 717 with O2s. Since the O2s are already quite polite with a 717, the 007t just makes the sound warmer. If you feel the 007t is lacking bass though, get a set of Herbies tube dampers for it, which will rectify that.
  11. I like the results of my 24 AWG OCCC DIY cable on mine, it takes some harshness out and brings out the bass a little more. I don't think that, otherwise, my rig is harsh, as it certainly isn't with any Stax. They are not fun to listen with after listening for an hour with L3000s, which I think are crap, more so now because afterwards they make other headphones sound awful. They are definitely not headphones for people who like a warm, soothing sound. I didn't like the pair of (apparently) bass heavy R10s I tried in comparison to them, so it comes down to one's tastes more than just technical proficiency.
  12. Nuke your firefox cache and Gmail cookies. That'll fix it, well, more likely the latter will.
  13. Just thought I'd update this: A friend of mine in CA contacted Amarra directly, as he was interested in using it with his Alpha DAC. It does definitely work with the optical digital output.
  14. If it's just a room, turn the power down in the preferences to 10% or 25% as well. I'm not sure how much that will benefit security, but making it necessary to get much physically closer to the AE to crack it will make it less of a target surely.
  15. Belated congrats to Duggeh and sorry for your liver. My wife had a university-era friend visit with her 2yo son, who beat up my daughter for her toys.
  16. Found this on the other site here. I used it to nab some Scottish Chamber Orchestra Beethoven. Just under $20 for a 24/96 studio master isn't bad I reckon. TW622P94 Linn Records - specialists in Classical, Jazz and Celtic music
  17. Can you packet-sniff encrypted packets though? Why does he need to hide the Macs, unless he's running something that leaves ports open with no authentication? An Airport express is too basic to do subnets unfortunately. About the only thing I can think of offhand that does that kind of thing would something like my friend's Dlink DFL 700 which does subnets, but you'd probably want one that does it over wireless and that one doesn't.
  18. Dunno, but I can sell you on the Air, which is very light-weight.
  19. It's rather like the Sun, but with better mids (or a 627 without the roll-off), but with possibly a bit less overall detail than any of the HDAMs. Agreed about the Earth -- Kingwa was going to have the Moon the default HDAM, but we talked him out of it for that very reason, though it's great if you want a kind of "more soundstage"-like EQ on the music. I can't find other than the OP27A/C online any more, by the way. I think there is/was an OP27E as well. Majkel mentioned it in his HDAM review on the other site. I just happened across them in the local electronics hobby store. I'm planning to take the Grados, Symphones and HD-800s to Elekit later this month for a "factory tour" and some listening. I really want to hear what the HF-2s are like on a good tube amp, so here's hoping the Elekit is good.
  20. I have a similar issue with Backblaze. I agree it's obviously for simple users. I want to back up a single thing on a hard drive, but can only exclude, not add. I might have to bug them for the ability to add something other than a drive, rather than add a drive and exclude all the top-level directories. The only other thing I could think of would be to pay for something like Amazon S3 and set up your own back-up system. Not sure how expensive it would be though. Otherwise, you could get a group of people together to share the costs of a racked backup box in a data centre, but I don't think that'd be cheap either.
  21. I broke out the Compass and my opamp collection for some experimentation with the HF-2, since the little grabber was fast asleep and I could scatter small and swallow-able components around. The HF-2s, not having the peaky treble of the HF-1s (that, IMO, demands a good amp) seem to be ok with the Compass. I've settled on a pair of OP27G in a browndog for glorious mids for casual listening at the computer. The loose bass is starting to tighten on my pair after a night of pink noise and some time listening. Now for the mids and treble to come good. There are hints of awesome potential in there. The timing for their arrival was a bit off yoo, as I'd just nailed the HD-800s to sound the way I wanted with my DIY OCCC cable.
  22. HF-2 HD-800 connectors (from APS) Blue Mountain blend and mocha blend coffees. A bag of nashi pears and bananas.
  23. If you have issues with a system upgrade, then it'll be 3rd party crap causing the issues. If I ever install anything remotely system-modifying, it never gets installed "for all users" so I can log in as another user and see if it's something I installed causing the problem or not. Monkey: There's no Archive and Install in Snow Leopard. Just an upgrade. You should be fine. It wont break iLife. Also, Quicktime 7 player is an optional install. Quicktime 7 is installed by default. If it weren't, most video types wouldn't be playable. If you have a spare hour, you can read ARSTechnica's hardcore review for the fine details of what's new.
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