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Everything posted by Currawong

  1. I asked for a 4-pin XLR and they neither replied nor did it. Not a big deal, as it's an easy switch.
  2. I figured if they are going to make such a big wank of a headphone, they could at least have made a custom plug for it.
  3. From me. Some Luxman gear is calling me (maybe, possibly more cool than a P-1u and has tubes, I shall report back once I'm sure) and I'm due to build an O2 rig and rebuild Agent Orange.
  4. I was being a smart-ass, but people forget that it's not just what they hear that is affected, but what they believe in (and subsequently argue loads of bullshit in a certain Unsound Science forum). I remember when I was a child, sitting in the back seat of my parents' car going places, I used to be able to change the pitch of the indicator clicks in my mind. Anyhow, I am liking the bass on the Magnums more so now, though some of that would be to do with listening to the LCD-2s a lot recently. I know that, over the last few months, I've altered what I enjoy in headphones, somewhat the fault of listening with the Magnums and 404LEs a lot. I'm heading back towards liking more bass than usual, as I've sold off the HD-800s and the 404LEs became unlistenable.
  5. O2s are back in the house, for a bit anyway (I promised to repair them). Now I just need a KGSSHV. I could swear they are brighter than I remember them. Could it be the very worn pads?
  6. I love how they are almost $3k, yet use a $3 headphone plug.
  7. Did your brain convince you of that?
  8. Apparently these Danner Hood Rivers are a Japan-only model. I've been wanting a pair of low-cut Danners for a decade or so now. I already own a pair of Arcadia boots, which are due to go back to Danner to have the Gortex replaced methinks, as they leak. They were always fantastic for unexpected snow in Japan (I bought them for a trip to Alaska). It was fun watching the poor Japanese try and tiptoe their way around the snow and puddles while I stomp straight through it all. However, something more ordinary yet damn good was called for. Putting them on today, even though they are new, they felt perfect. I might have to nab a second pair considering they are discontinued now.
  9. Not my image, but: Swapped it for my HD-800s plus cash. Not that I needed a CD player or anything else, but curiosity got the better of me.
  10. Looks interesting. Wouldn't mind having a look what is inside too. I have here, unintentionally, an 840C, so a $1500 DAC that smokes it sounds like good kit to me.
  11. Lunatique's posts from this one onwards, if you're up for a lot of reading from the perspective of a music producer (and ignore any noise in between his posts) are pretty interesting. I think we've fairly hit the point where most things about them have been covered and people are just going around in circles now anyway (on HF that is). We need Transmission Audio to pull off ribbon earphones now so there is something else to go hypo about.
  12. It's valid to compare the O2 with them. These people who think that something can better the Stax need to be put in their place.
  13. Was offered this via PM. Couldn't resist considering I'd wanted to hear how good this amp was for a long time and I've been missing the RKV for a while now.
  14. I think you wrote it up well and the example of low-level echo being missing is something I agree with. It's present in O2s even with a 717 or 007t. I wouldn't worry about not being good at reviews. I find I have moments of inspiration where i'll spew forth similarly and I prefer reading this kind of summary anyway.
  15. Just the angling of the connectors and the "A" shape in the grills. All the pics only showed how they looked prior to that, or some cats balls or a penis gourd.
  16. If you open up the Console (in Utilities in Applications), do you get any interesting messages when you plug in an iPod etc.? I'd still try creating a second user account on the Mac and seeing if you get the same error.
  17. I was searching to see if there were any decent images of the latest revision and...you lot are a bunch of web-polluters: :p:p:p:p
  18. It's a lot of ranting just to sell a box with a cap in it. I think the funniest bit is how he rants against fancy cables, yet advertises that the plugs and sockets on the wires on his box are gold plated.
  19. I'm still up for this. IMO, what would be practical would be to have the main board built to be able handle whichever power supply is chosen, which if I understand you guys correctly, is basically what is happening. Then down the track, if one chooses, one could build the balls-to-the-wall PSU. Right now, the middle-of-the-road option would be for me. It has to be good enough I wont feel the need to upgrade with O2s. Maybe once I've moved out of my stupid apartment with its 30A main fuse that I blow once a week, to a place with a decent power supply, then I'll consider getting a drill press and going crazy. Now I probably should build the bog-standard KGSS with the boards I have here as a warm-up.
  20. It sounds better than the onboard Realtek crap in my PC (but then just about anything does). I don't think it has much advantage over the audio out of my MacBook Pro except more volume. To its credit, it isn't a generic OPA2134-driven thing and it sounds better than those, which are arguably a waste of money anyway unless you've only been using the cheapest and nastiest sound card to begin with. Anyway, the value is in the higher-end gear. There's a loaner Reference 7 going out tomorrow to various people, so we can see how it stacks up with other high-end sources.
  21. I finally got around to scanning mine: Interesting how the later the headphones, the smoother they seem to drop after 1k.
  22. Probably because having a fair whack of bass is more appealing to more people. Not a bad idea might be for him to offer both the V1 and V2. I wonder what he is going to do now, as I haven't seen anything about the next batch being made. He has missed the boat though with all the delays I think, the LCD-2s being FOTM now.
  23. Thanks for the summary. I figured, say, OTL amps were out. I know that much at least. I feel I need to get a better handle on how amp specs relate to suitability to driving headphones. The spec pages for various amps seem to be very random in what is shown and what is not, however. I'm also trying to derive a useful understanding of what the bias adjustments on my amp actually do, if not just increase the bias voltage.
  24. So 5 minutes of soldering results in an un-fucked 727? Why then was this amp such a load of fail? Don't they have anyone seriously capable of amp design in their employ? Or are their engineers just weird?
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