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High Rollers
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Everything posted by KenW

  1. Being a gadget freak, I have to ask....what do you do with the scope? Don't know why but I find it very appealing in that setup. Really, I wouldn't care if it didn't work. Just having it there just makes me......well....I just like it. Lots of knobs. Great bling bling effect.
  2. Runs hot and only has a line in?
  3. LOL....I love it!! This is exactly what I need for my office. Sir, you have a budding business there! I want #1!! Have you set a price yet??
  4. GULP! Okay, it's all about the guts and performance so to hell with the price. Anyone got specs on this little mighty might? Think Mikhail would do a custom length on the umbilical?
  5. I owned it at one time. Pretty decent SS. As for the USB/DAC, it was a nice feature but not really anything special. Simply a nice extra to have. If you can find a good price on it, it would make a nice option at work or as part of a bedroom rig.
  6. I went to Home Depot and found a couple of those plastic bins used for storing small tools and hardware. It has a black case with clear plastic drawers that have locking lids. Inside each drawer, you have adjustable dividers so it's quite simple to store the tubes in a "custom size" space. By my estimate you can store about 100 tubes in one of those things. It's clean, neat and easily to label. Cheap, too.
  7. This is truly a sad day for me. I loved that band. :'( :'( :'( :'(
  8. Ah, I see. Humorous now that I understand.
  9. Get a transit to get rid of the laptop sounds coming from your dell and use IEM's or buds.
  10. I agree with tkam. Too risky when there are other solid options out there.
  11. GULP!! I really feel for the guy. Sounds like a nightmare.
  12. Defragmenting isn't as critical as once thought so I wouldn't spend an cash on one. Another far more useful piece of software is CCleaner. Free and darned if it wasn't one of my "must haves" when I was still on the PC. Especially useful for dummies like me to use in cleaning up dead registry entries. Makes a backup before it does it's thing but not once did I have to use that backup. Super in managing your cookies, too. Give it a look. You'll be tickled that you did.
  13. No or very low feedback....forget it. Let someone else take the chance if it's a high dollar item. I'll only deal with sellers like that if it's a really good deal and the amount in question is something that won't bug me too much if it is a scam. Just not worth the risk IMO. If they're close enough to meet you, then go for it. Otherwise, skip it and move on. I usually watch auctions like that just to see how many turn out legit. Sad to say, I see it being about 50-50. Stinks that ebay has gone down to being a playground for scam artists.
  14. First, the trojan might be easy to remove although it did get past Norton. I'd start with a google search on the name of the trojan. You'll likely come across some instructions for removal. Personally, I'm not a fan of Norton either. For my money, Trend is a better antivirus solution. It's what I have on my office network and it replaced Norton. You should also look into and learn to use HiJack This. Just a great free program that lets you inspect and kick out some unwanted visitors should they be on your system. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, my honest opinion is that I'd reformat and do a clean install after backing up the files I need to keep.
  15. Damn...that's a sweet amp and setup. I feel so.....inadequate! Congrats. Mikhail outdid himself!!
  16. When I heard about his great deal, I tried to see if I could pick up a second unit for a bedroom setup through Hifi500. No go. Guess he just lucked out. I will say that while I paid full price it's worth every penny. I like it so much that I'm considering picking up the matching transport as well. Just not finding a lot of information on it from owners. Still the MKII is just a wonderful piece of gear.
  17. So folks really want to work there? No kidding!! Just hope my staff doesn't get any bright ideas!! #1 place to work....and for good reason!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHu3hXSl7M4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHu3hXSl7M4
  18. Yep. He just passed it along like I did. Should have learned by now that you can never take anything at face value. I let the doofus in me come out again. Bad on me.
  19. What the heck?? I was lied to. An email passed on from my....gulp...pastor indicated those pics were from a family in our area. Good grief is honesty a thing of the past???
  20. A family in my neck of the woods found this rare event of nature. I'll have to admit that, while I'd heard of this, I've never seen it before. Truly something. Note the size in comparison to the shoe in the background.
  21. Ah...I see. I also feel like a real jerk at the moment! [
  22. A friend reworked his basement into that masterpiece. Some great gameday parties to be sure. Really wish it were mine. Unfortunately, the wife approval factor isn't there for me. She prefers a more traditional look to the home theater area. Can't understand why she wouldn't be chomping at the bit to have so much glorious orange to enjoy!
  23. Nice decor Earl! You're a fan that's for certain. Of course, in the south we always try and do things above and beyond. Call it a fans version of an arms race.
  24. Bump. >
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