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Johnny Blue

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About Johnny Blue

  • Birthday 06/04/1951


  • Location
    United Kingdom

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  1. I didn't realise Birgir exported his bakery products, as well as his Stax collection!
  2. Interesting... so it's beginning to seem like the Omegas are just not delivering what I'm looking for, unless perhaps I risk more dinars on a KGSS or BH, which is not going to happen any day soon... ...damn!
  3. Do I need to get something like this to get my Omega IIs to sing?
  4. Thanks, Birgir, that's saved me about
  5. I have a Chord Chrysalis DIN to RCA interconnect, where the DIN plug is specially wired to take the tape output from the NAC 82 (the Chrysalis is believed, around these parts, to be the most synergistic with Naim, but of course, it's not actually Naim it's going to, it's Stax!). I have some other cables I've tried: the Chord Cobra is more extended, but seems to have less PRaT, a Preh DIN/Van Damme cable/Neutrik RCA combination does a good job, but is not vastly different to the Chrysalis. I've even tried a special Chord Chrysalis 4-pin DIN to RCA interconnect, running straight from the Hi-Cap (which powers the Naim Prefix head-amp and which supplies the signal to the pre-amp) to the 717, thus cutting the pre-amp entirely out of the circuit, and this had a similar effect to the Cobra: more hi-fi, less music. I'll have to take a look at getting a Naim pre-amp output straight into the 717 (after having altered the internal switch!), and I can also investigate using balanced interconnects instead of the RCAs, and I still fear that your first remark may be salient here: "Naim gear is far from neutral so that's your problem right there." This would also explain why I've had such a good time with the SRD boxes (and you may have noted from my Head-Fi posts about this preference): it's when I'm using these with Linn or Naim amplification that I get what I'm looking for with Stax headphones.
  6. Thank you.
  7. I've already got 3 Lambdas: the 202s, the 303s and the 404s, I can't believe that the Signatures are radically different, and in any case, that's not what my query was about. I want to know why, after all I'd read, that my long-aspired-to dream of owning the 007/717 is not delivering what I'd expected!
  8. Thanks for the extensive answers you
  9. Yes, I must pay some attention to the positioning: I've already cut and pasted Birgir's suggestions from over on Head-Fi, so no doubt this attention this will help matters, but the fact still remains that it's the first major bit of kit I've ever bought which didn't do the business more or less straight away... ...oh, and I forgot to mention that SWMBO's retaliation for my SR-007/SRM-717 expenditure was to go out and book a family holiday costing exactly 2.5 times as much as the headphones! (And how could I possibly counter the argument that since I'd spent x on headphones which were just for me, why can't I spend 2.5x on all of us! Bummer!)
  10. Thanks (?!!) guys, I know about the after-market amps, but they seem so difficult to get hold of (especially here in the UK, as opposed to the US), and the consensus on Head-Fi was that the SRM-717 was up to the job, but perhaps I just read what I wanted to read. It is interesting for me to read the above posts, feeling as I do now, and recognising that if I'd read them, say, 2 weeks ago, I'd have dismissed them as the ramblings of some sore losers, or people who were just plain envious. Now, I'm not so sure...
  11. I wrote earlier I would post again, here goes... My Stax story so far
  12. Hello chaps! I'm a refugee from Head-Fi: ever since I changed my email address I've been locked out from posting, and I'm desperate to get connected again with fellow Stax-lovers from around the world (come in Iceland, Norway, Australia, etc.). This post is nothing more than a quick 'hello', and I'll be back soon with something interesting (well, it is for me, at any rate!).
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