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Everything posted by UWisconsin77

  1. Yeah, that's what I keep reading. I hadn't really read anyone with a negative opinion on it, although I do understand we all hear differently, and have different ideas on what is a good value, and what-not. But this seems to work wonders with just about every headphone, performs excellent, and has beautiful casework to boot.
  2. $80,000 doesn't look so bad, when you have a pair of $700,000 speakers.. http://www.higherfi.com/spkrlist/speakerlist.htm
  3. I'm seriously considering purchasing one of these, and as of right now, is the only amp on my list. I've gone through and done "research" on many other amps close to this price, and the GS-1 seems to be extremely flexible with the headphones used (ie wide variety) and seems to be a top-notch amp. The GS-X, despite how badly I want it, can't afford it. Maybe I missed one, that you guys can recommend. And what's your opinion on this amp, for those who have listened or owned it. Any other recommendations on amps at/very close to $1,000? I'm not totally set on which HP I want, but am considering both the RS-1 and Senn 650 w/upgraded cable, or SR100's w/HP1000 drivers. And I plan on collecting some OOP HP's too, down the line, which keeps bringing me back to the GS-1 for it's flexibility. Thanks for your help..
  4. Thanks for your help. I saw the link, however I thought it might be in English.
  5. So then this isn't like a closed RS1 then.. I don't own a RS1, however I am assuming, based that the Grado sound is geared toward rock, that the RS1's will handle complex rock without any problems. Also, doesn't a HP with a fast attack, mean it can handle a complex passage with relative ease, or does "fast" mean something else? I'm trying to nail down the sound of these, and it sounded like they could be for me, but now I'm not totally sure. If it is indeed a "closed RS1", then I need these, if not, I'll pass. Also, how's the comfort of these HP's? Thanks!
  6. "Less bass".. can you elaborate a little more? Would it happen to be tighter and more controlled? "what a Grado closed HP might sound like".. as in a good can for rock!? I've never heard the ESW9's.. I would much prefer the ESW10's if it is essentially like a "closed" RS1. Also, how's the comfort of the ESW10's?
  7. Where was this from? I'd like to read it, if you don't mind.
  8. What the fuck-ing-fuck is this!? Looks to be a game.. I guess..
  9. I wonder how exactly these will sound. A blend of the AD2000's and W5000's maybe? Oh, that would be nice.
  10. ^ ROFL ...classic...
  11. LMAO! "Also the knob is metal and of course the front and back plates are exquisitly engraved." mmm.. the sound a metal knob and "exquisitly engraved" metal sound awesome! I bet it's "cryoed" (inset spelling error) too! Great response Ken.
  12. The biggest question is: Do the BOSox have anything left in the tank!?
  13. Right. And I was hoping it would be, but it still has potential to be a closer series. I sure hope it goes to game 7.
  14. Simple : Rays have a better team this year than Boston. I mean 3-straight 9+ run days in a row, isn't a fluke. You can't win every year. BTW I'm about 45-minutes from the Tampa stadium and have been enjoying lower-level seats all year long for $20. Can't beat it. On the contrary, I cheered and cheered for the BOSox when they play the Yanks. I hate the Yanks worse than any other team in the MLB. However I am no BOSox fan at all. Hell, I wouldn't even call myself a Rays fan; it's just cheap entertainment. This is the year for the Rays.. just accept it and hope you can do better next year.
  15. Have a wonderful birthday!
  16. Hmm.. interesting. I found a brand new HA2002 for $1,400. Maybe I should just wait it out until a used HA2002 pops up for sale.
  17. Thanks, and thanks for the info.
  18. Oh.. well, then nevermind.
  19. Thanks. I know this is a little off topic, and I hope the OP doesn't mind, but since there is very little info about what amps are being used with this headphone, I figured I'd ask in this specific thread. If the OP does mind, please just PM me and I'll edit my replies and start a new thread. I was seriously considering the GS-1. But with very little info on these phones, I wasn't sure. Any other recommendations?
  20. What's the going rate for a HA2002? From my understanding, this amp will be well above the $1,000 mark, which is already pushing the envelope for me. Thanks for the reply.
  21. To those W11JPN owners, what type of amps are you using? Any SS amp recommendations at/close to $1,000? Thanks!
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