I'm seriously considering purchasing one of these, and as of right now, is the only amp on my list. I've gone through and done "research" on many other amps close to this price, and the GS-1 seems to be extremely flexible with the headphones used (ie wide variety) and seems to be a top-notch amp. The GS-X, despite how badly I want it, can't afford it. Maybe I missed one, that you guys can recommend. And what's your opinion on this amp, for those who have listened or owned it.
Any other recommendations on amps at/very close to $1,000?
I'm not totally set on which HP I want, but am considering both the RS-1 and Senn 650 w/upgraded cable, or SR100's w/HP1000 drivers. And I plan on collecting some OOP HP's too, down the line, which keeps bringing me back to the GS-1 for it's flexibility.
Thanks for your help..