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Everything posted by atothex

  1. How do you do this?
  2. HBD son
  3. Happy bday yo!
  4. I kinda assumed most people don't bother with bass control. Is that valid?
  5. Soooo is he an eccentric but otherwise cool dude? Or just a big dummy dumb-dumb face?
  6. Who? And what's a tube?
  7. <3 <3 <3 much love
  8. atothex

    X-box or PS3?

    Halo and Gears are sick ass series, and they're reason enough for me to prefer 360, but PS3 obviously has better overall functionality beyond gaming. Some of them can even be SACD players! The motion sensor junk doesn't appeal to me at all, though, no matter the system.
  9. atothex


    I don't have anything against the kid or the majority of HF; his question just isn't something that warrants new threads.
  10. atothex


    I don't think anyone here has a Heed. The default recommendation for any low impedance dynamic is probably Dynalo. But anyways, OP should shut up for a while. You can go to Head-Fi I guess, but I'd rather not have you post there either.
  11. atothex

    X-box or PS3?

    I have both, and I've tended to play the 360 a lot more. Not sure if that helps... there's good titles on both systems. Edit: I guess you can boil it down to Gears/Halo vs LBP/MGS/Uncharted/GOW3.
  12. What's the market price for a T1 these days? Surely it's gone down a bit from the original MSRP?
  13. Wow this thread concluded in a refreshingly painless way.
  14. Lordy, those things in the links are fucking hideous. Do you by chance like Alienware computers? I personally like the way these look: Amazon.com: Audio-Technica ATH-ES7 Portable Headphones, Black: Electronics I've never heard them nor intend to, but some people seem to like em. Honestly though, if you don't absolutely need to look like a dumbass, get some IEMs like Duggeh says.
  15. Count me in the camp of "don't judge until you hear it". The T1 didn't seem too bad when I heard it briefly, and I see no reason to assume this will sound anything like a DT770 or whatever. And I'm really not feeling the gay sex analogy. It doesn't parallel this scenario. A more fitting analogy would be passing judgement based on someone's nationality. If you met 10 Frenchmen and all of them are assholes, would you naturally expect the 11th to be an asshole? You might, but it wouldn't really be fair. Even if you met 90% of all Frenchmen in the world, and they were all assholes, can one assume that of the others?
  16. Sick build, especially if that fact is proxied. +1 armor is unnecessary though. This strat is actually good in all matchups. It hits even earlier vs the other races, as cannons are unnecessary vs those. So you can go with 1 thor.
  17. Meh.... if you're going to be a lazy bum, just 4gate into high diamond. Zerg rushing isn't even a particularly good style.
  18. I don't think earnest replies even matter. They never listen anyways.
  19. I'd be pretty shocked if that thing was R2R.
  20. Wow finally found something you liked. Congrats.
  21. I'm feelin kinda meh about the looks, but this ranks very high on the must-hear list.
  22. You seem... socially awkward, so let me explain to you what you're doing wrong. If you want to make friends with a preexisting group of friends, you don't: - go in, act like a jackass - start insulting people - then try to tell them you want to be their friend and that you're not a jackass I for one have seen nothing positive from you since you've started posting.
  23. Actually, OP should first stop bugging me with this stuff.
  24. This thing is gonna be the new DACMagic. Who needs reviews when we have this here thread?
  25. The part about adding jitter for better sound made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. I soldiered on through the whole thing, though, and I can fairly safely say that this product will be lumped in with Mr. Ebaen's ALO Audio recables and Wireworld Starlight USB cables: things that I don't even want to try, let alone buy.
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