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Everything posted by atothex

  1. Happy birthday!
  2. A very belated happy birthday, sir!
  3. Go ahead and "settle". Check out Innerfidelity's Wall of Fame, while you're at it. Or maybe you've already seen it, and somehow concluded that they must have never heard Beats before?
  4. Hmm I'm thinking of stopping by sometime. Everyone's going on Sat? What time?
  5. atothex

    The Abyss

    lol I applaud you for not going with a super obvious/crass image of "liquid gold".
  6. Happy birthdays homies
  7. atothex

    The Abyss

    Having an unpopular opinion is acceptable, but what is the point of attacking established members? Also, to just say something sounds great without giving any point of reference whatsoever is just dumb. So it costs a lot. Does it sound better than an ecba? Pinnacle? Gsx? We all know a few dorks who say beats are the best sounding headphones they've heard... and they're not lying, but that kinda opinion is just uninformed.
  8. Yo happy bday kid! =D
  9. Happy bday buff guy!
  10. Lol I actually wouldn't mind reading the comparison too much. Well... depends how long it is.
  11. Yeah I'm a consumer who doesn't know better, so I'm for sure leaning towards the cheaper one.
  12. Didn't read the thread too carefully, but... yeah I'm pretty surprised xbox is even in the title, because it's already half dead from what I can tell. WiiU seems to basically have nothing either. PS4 is like the only reasonable option left. I don't have any kids; I know that makes a big difference.
  13. Well, looks like repair is the most economical way to go by far. Just in case you actually want a new cooktop, Consumer Reports says Wolf is quite reliable. However, they only listed about a half dozen total brands in their reliability ratings, and Dacor wasn't one of them. A cooktop seems to almost always be under $2k regardless of brand, though.
  14. Funny thing, I recently got myself an Emeril set by All-Clad, and it's noticeably cheaper/worse than the regular All-Clad pan that I already had. Not that either are bad, of course.
  15. Budget? Size constraints?
  16. atothex

    Audeze LCD-2

    Thanks! That's definitely one of those "let me google that for you" things haha. My fault. <3
  17. atothex

    Audeze LCD-2

    So umm... I haven't been around for a while or really kept up with new things too closely, but what is the difference between LCD2 and LCD3? Namely, why is the latter twice as costly? I ran a quick search of this thread, but couldn't really find any comparisons. I'm sure some of y'all have heard both. Should I be digging in meet threads?
  18. atothex

    Diablo 3

    This game pisses me off so much. I'm trying to progress, but the auction house is a fucking joke. It straight up doesn't work half the time, which is ridiculous, because the only way to get decent items is to make money and buy them. And the only way to make money is to sell shit on the auction house. Also, they nerfed like 2 entire wizard builds in a week or something, so I need to make even more money to get new gear.
  19. Happy belated, sir. :-P
  20. Happy belated bday!
  21. Happy birthday, big D!
  22. Congrats! Adorable little guy.
  23. Looks plush. I never bought into using full-size headphones for commute or travel, though. Still, I've seen Beats at the gym, so maybe I'm just weird by normal people standards.
  24. happy bday!
  25. happy belated bday =D
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