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Everything posted by atothex

  1. This thread got feisty... So yeah would anyone like to claim that Amarra sounds worse than no Amarra? If not, then what's the beef?
  2. I pimp my shit all the time... Yay Sonic Frontiers and Audio-Technica and such.
  3. Yeah he says something like current DACs don't process the higher rates fast enough, so they actually sound worse than well-done 24/96. Found his post:
  4. Yeah, but you liked a Darkvoice and B52 better than the Dynahi. Just going from that, anything seems possible.
  5. I'd like to demo this thing sometime... about when can we expect it to trickle to American dealers? Is it already here? I don't really check in with the audio stores much.
  6. atothex

    Diablo 3

    Hmm the monk is back as a class.
  7. atothex

    Misheard Lyrics

    I'd never heard of the "kiss this guy" thing until I randomly saw a book of misheard lyrics. The "black horses" thing is new to me as of now. People have some bad ears.
  8. Woo makes some cool stuff, but this whole "maxxed" business is just crazy expensive. A "maxxed" 6 SE is like $2k. Why the HELL would I get that over a Zana or even WA22? I can almost get myself a GSX or even a KGSS if I were so inclined.
  9. Oh yeah? I've never owned a Squeezebox, but I've been thinking about it. That's pretty weak.
  10. I've been had?
  11. Serious intro fail. You clearly haven't even read "a little bit" here.
  12. WTF there's a $70 Chinese thing? That's got my attention.
  13. Cal sucks.
  14. Yeah, but how good are even top-notch TDA1541A? I assume good but not exactly great in the grand scheme of things?
  15. Denon pads FTW. Everything else looks a bit rough...
  16. Whoa! They're out already. They look much more like the Hifiman orthos now.
  17. My Monoprice RCAs are the weak-clamping variety. Luck of the draw, I guess. I'll probably pick up an Emotiva cable or 2 when I need a different length.
  18. Dude, there's a Gilmore Lite on sale right here, right now. Cmon man.
  19. Why not just go for the Pico + GLite combo and stop wondering? Easy, easy choice...
  20. I'm a noob.
  21. A quick HC search shows that this thread is simply a retread of this thread http://www.head-case.org/forums/headphone-amplification/5402-help-hd600-amping-pico.html Try harder with the searches.
  22. Report on the Aragon plz.
  23. Nothing comes close to Monoprice, though. That Emotiva power cord looks fashionable and tempting... $60 though hmm.
  24. Well of course it's not gonna work if you look at it... dumbass.
  25. Honestly, this whole DAC "upgrade" thing seems a bit useless to me. You already have a Pico... do you really need to go balanced with a middling budget? Especially with that laptop. If I absolutely had to have an uber DAC via laptop, I'd probably be using Squeezebox as transport. Used ones are only in the mid-$100s these days. I haven't seen too many jitter figures for USB->SPDIF things, but the jitter figures I've seen for Squeezeboxes are pretty good. I'm gonna talk entirely from my ass and guess that Squeezebox should be better than a USB converter.
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