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Everything posted by DannyB

  1. For anyone interested in information on Carolina CanFEST II it is on that other site. The Carolina CanFEST 8/14/10 - Head-Fi.org Community
  2. Only 3 weeks left to try and help make people aware of an event that I am hopeful they will enjoy. Remember, I don't profit, the Carolina Audio Society does. Also, many people are traveling significant distances to attend and are going to a lot of effort to have a fun and educational day. So GRAWK, if this promotion makes you uncomfortable then go somewhere else and stop being an obsessive obnoxious jerk. Give a little slack to those who are trying to do a little good in the world and help promote our hobby. Now go climb back into your little hole. I can't believe how you seem to respond to my posts within a minute or two. Surely you must have better things to do with your life than stalk my posts.
  3. I just received a note regarding the above.
  4. Grawk has me all confused to the point where I can't even post on the correct thread. He's more confusing than my wife.
  5. I just received a note regarding the above.
  6. Danny Spammy here-I assumed ya'll missed me so I thought I would resurface. Anyway, it was said that all I may be here for is self promotion of the CanFEST and personal items. OK, I will say it right here and right now, My name is Danny Spammy and I am an audio whore. I need to be in a rehab program. Hey, wait. I did post a few threads regarding Stax questions on the Headphone forum and never once even mentioned CanFEST. Doesn't that count for something? Back to REHAB for me.
  7. The link below will show three amps that Mr. Joseph Lau was kind enough to send to allow us to showcase some of his new products. From left to right is the Antique Sound Lab Pisces, AudioTailor Headmonitor I, and AudioTailor Jade. I'm burning them in at this time so I'll give them a try in a few days. The items on the dresser include most of my personal amps that will be at CanFEST. Missing is my KGSS which is still in my primary system. Shown is the CARY 303/300 as the source along with a SinglePower MPX3 SE Extreme which I will be selling at or after CanFEST, a SP MPX3 with mods including a Supra trannie, a STAX SRM007t also to be sold at or after CanFEST, a RockHopper B22 with balanced and single ended outputs also possibly being sold at or after Canfest, a Travagan's White, a Headroom Home, a Grace M902, and a home brew Class D amp for my K1000. Picasa Web Albums - Janice - 2009 Official Thread: Southern/Charlotte CanFest 2009 - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  8. What are the differences between the Musical Fidelity X-Can V3 headphone amp with the X-PSU external power supply and the V8 version?
  9. In general, when a headphone amp is on should it have a load:Specifically, headphones plugged in as is usually required of speaker amps having speakers connected?
  10. OK, then how about the KGSS? I usually keep solid state stuff on all the time and turn tube stuff off at the end of the day (amps not small tube equipment which I usually leave on most of the time). So, is it wise or not to keep the KGSS on 24/7? Thanks in advance Spritzer.
  11. I have a KGSS and SR007 Mk2. I usually leave my KGSS on all the time. Is it best to leave the headphones plugged into the KGSS all the time to allow full charge or to just plug them in a little while before a listening session?
  12. Agree with Grawk regarding the same signal source and use of different microphones for a valid comparison.
  13. Yes, Joe will be there to do a presentation, a Q & A session and mingle with attendees for the afternoon. Joe has spent the last 3 years perfecting what he feels will revolutionize the recording industry. Several very well known world class recording engineers have used his new and unique microphone and given it great praise. He will have it there for all to see. Most of you are aware Joe is known to revolutionize the world of audio with such concepts as a dedicated headphone amp, a unique series of headphone including the HP1000 series, a novel phono cartridge, and some original ideas for turntable design which he incorporated in his turntable. This is just touching the surface. Joe strongly feels that the next major advance in audio is on the recording side which Harry Pearson also stated in the most recent edition of TAS. Whether or not these things happen will remain to be seen. Is Joe still a pioneer, even at the age of 85? Time will tell. Regardless, he will speak a little bit about sound, and recording and his mic. However, given that this is a headphone based gathering, he will also talk about headphones and answer any questions attendees may have. In addition, he is planning to bring his prototype for the HP1 and a few other goodies including recordings made and played back on his Nagra using his new microphone, his personal HP1 and his Grace M902 headphone amp. So, attendees can decide for themselves if the recordings are THAT much better.
  14. OK, I feel better now. Thanks. Maybe spammy isn't such a bad name to be called: it even rhymes with Danny. Danny Spammy. Sounds almost like a James Bond rival. OK, maybe not but I have so few dreams left available to me. My wife sucked all the rest out of me. Maybe "suck" is not the best choice of words.
  15. It's unfortunate that some members consider my posts spam as suggested above. I am simply trying to bring to people's attention a rare event; Joe Grado attending a headphone meet in addition to the meet itself. Try to realize the number of hours I put into organizing this effort with a few sacrifices along the way. And guess how much money I will be making? ZERO-it goes to the Carolina Audio Society to help continue promoting audio to members of the community. And that's assuming we make a profit. If we don't I have personally guaranteed to underwrite any costs not covered by donations; yes, there is no charge for attendees or exhibitors just voluntary donations. So, why do you think I am such a terrible person when all I am trying to accomplish is to help people be aware of a fun event with no reward for me other than the satisfaction that I have provided a service for fellow audiophiles just like so many others have done such as those who make this website possible.
  16. I just received confirmation from Drew/Moon Audio that he will be bringing the HD 800 and Ultrasone ED8. So, if you're in the general area come check out these new cans and meet Joe Grado. Official Thread: Southern/Charlotte CanFest 2009 - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  17. I just received confirmation from Drew/Moon Audio that he will be bringing the HD 800 and Ultrasone ED8. So, if you're in the general area come check out these new cans and meet Joe Grado. Official Thread: Southern/Charlotte CanFest 2009 - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  18. We have a third of the Grand Ballroom at the Hilton hotel. We are expecting between 100-200 attendees. We can accommodate more if need be. Organizers are working hard to make this a first class event for attendees and exhibitors. Needless to say, we are thrilled that Joe will be there to mingle with the crowd and have a lot of one on one conversations. This is really a once in a lifetime event in being able to have one on one time with Joe, given Joes age of 85. He is still sharp as a tack. Please try to make it. We have people flying in from California, Illinois, Colorado, in addition to driving in from Florida, Virginia, South Carolina, and a few more.
  19. Any exhibitors/dealers/manufacturers interested in more information about attending CanFEST 2009 please PM me and I'll Email it out to you. There is NO CHARGE to exhibitors OR attendees! Things are shaping up rather nicely. We are anticipating between 100-200 or more attendees, in part due to the nice list of manufacturers in addition to the Joe Grado appearance/presentation. Official Thread: Southern/Charlotte CanFest 2009 - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  20. Joe just told me that he will also plan to bring his new microphone to the show which is one amazing invention. This is a very special item and he will be doing a live demonstration with it and his Nagra recorder and Grace M902 headphone amp. I have heard several recordings with this mic and it is revolutionary. Several major recording engineers have tried it and they are finding it to be something very special. So, those in attendance will also be able to talk with Joe about his soon to be released microphone in addition to anything else including opera, watches, stories of the history of audio and other legends he knew personally, oh...and headphones. Actually, I am going to try to convince him to bring his original prototype of the HP1 for people to see and check out.
  21. We are definitely trying to identify someone with the appropriate know how and equipment to video the presentation by Joe and then download it. Given our lead time we should be able to find a "volunteer".
  22. "Celebrities" who are planning to attend at this time include: Joseph Grado -Founder Grado Laboratories Ray Samuels--Ray Samuels Audio Drew Baird----Moon Audio Dennis Had---Cary Audio Mikhail Rotenberg-Singlepower All headphone enthusiasts We are in discussions with Headamp, Headroom, Grace, Ultrasone, Benchmark, Woo Audio and a few others. Some may not be able to attend but will hopefully send equipment, through Drew, to have representation at the CanFEST. The date is February 21st, 2009 in Charlotte, NC. 9AM-4PM Hilton Charlotte Executive Park 5624 Westpark Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 704-527-8000
  23. I didn't see anything posted in the Impressions section.
  24. Thank you. You are most kind.
  25. The Southern CanFEST 2009 will be held in Charlotte, NC on 2/21/09 from 9AM-4PM at: Hilton Charlotte Executive Park 5624 Westpark Drive Charlotte, NC 28217 704-527-8000 Hosted by the Carolina Audio Society (CAS) with support from dealers and manufacturers. Mr. Joseph Grado will be there to give a presentation and mingle with attendees in addition to Dennis Had of CARY Audio, Drew of Moon Audio and Mikhail of Singlepower. Other manufacturers and retailers will be attending and information will be forthcoming upon their confirmation. A Buy/Sell/Trade session for any and all audio related equipment, not just can related, will also be on the premises. Additionally, we will have an Audio Desk Systeme CD trimmer for those who want to trim a few CDs. Please let me know if you plan to attend and what equipment you will be bringing, if any, by posting a follow up to this post. You can also Email me directly at: [email protected] I look forward to seeing you at The HEAD EVENT! Danny
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