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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. and/or "spinner" volume knob.
  2. Nanotube tweeter.
  3. Y'all bitches got me thirsty. Celebrating my first successful case (in front of the board of county commissioners... ) I like it so far. A little easier on the palate than my Laphroaig.
  4. Finished ep.3 last night. I've got them DL'ed up to 6, so I'll let you know if it picks up. It's not traditional Dexter as of yet, but I appreciate where it's heading.
  5. Sherwood


    Ding ding ding!
  6. Sherwood


    Ooh, I don't know... taken out of context that might actually be construed as a positive thing. Hardly follows the tenor of the custom title (well, my custom title). Steve, I stand by the admirable comment. The politically beneficial thing to do in Iraq would have been to leave after the major urban campaigns while popularity was still high. The fact that we have stayed and stayed and stayed amidst falling approval ratings means we're taking responsibility for the upheaval we caused there. I think that's admirable, considering the track record of American invasions.
  7. No spoiling here. You're in for a treat, and season 3 keeps improving.
  8. Best show on TV. Every season gets better than the last. The amount of character development is really stunning.
  9. Sherwood


    So, wait, are you or are you not in favor of being an international police force? You aren't in terms of Iraq, but you seem to be for Darfur and Rwanda. Do you want us to comply with the UN or not? We didn't as regards Iraq, which I doubt you look favorably upon. We did as regards Rwanda and Darfur. Are you happy about the outcome there? While oil is currently much more affordable than it has been, it was not for the majority of the war. That renders the "we invaded for the oil" argument null. We've been there before, and we didn't bother with the oil the first time except to extinguish fires. Do you have any evidence that we will have a controlling interest over oil after we eventually withdraw our current troops from Iraq? I'm not of the belief that human rights were a factor in the decision to send troops to Iraq. However, the overthrow of that regime and the subsequent efforts to foster a stable regime representative of the people are admirable things. Nonetheless, I'd prefer to spread some democracy in other ways in the future.
  10. Also, head-fi forbids double blind test discussions, so even if they had been done they're tricky to post.
  11. Sherwood


    Regardless, this is mildly semantic and clearly OT. I was suggesting that your strong point of view is countered by another equally strong point of view, as is the case for almost everything. I feel the Iraq war was, in many ways, a mistake. I have difficulty feeling that way when I see the world's largest ethnic group without a nation so overjoyed by American actions.
  12. Sherwood


    Is that unreasonable? People are happy that they aren't dead, tortured, or systematically abused? That seems like a valid point of view, to me.
  13. Sherwood


    They're happy the 100,000 dead iraqis aren't them, certainly.
  14. Sherwood


    The majority of my Iraqi Kurdish friends disagree with you. Not to be a perennial dick, here, but there are legitimate groups of well informed people who disagree with your assessment, and I see their point.
  15. Sherwood


    You've seen it being written? You've physically watched someone write this? You need to choose your company more closely.
  16. Sherwood


    How about this?
  17. Sherwood


    Hear Hear! Or, rather, Here! Here! (right here, in my house).
  18. Sherwood


    I agree, though I understand the rationale behind it. It all boils down to the fact that you can't do anything if you don't win. Sad state, though, when playing dumb gets you votes. I give Obama credit for that. I don't recall him ever dumbing down to appeal to votes, though I do find some of his policies "dumb" in and of themselves. Kinda like a modern Adlai Stevenson, except for the winning part.
  19. Sherwood


    Exit polling has about a 10% margin of error even in the best cases, so I'll be anxious to see more substantiated results in the months ahead
  20. Sherwood


    I would disagree here. McCain ended up with about 48% of the popular vote, which encompasses the vast majority of registered Republicans and some independents. That is, unless there were Democrats that voted for him too, which I find unlikely. You may well have a handful of examples to the contrary, and I've no doubt that you do, but the general trend seems pretty set in stone to me.
  21. Sherwood


    I'm in a similar position as Grawk here. I voted for Bush last election, and stand by that vote. I legitimately do not feel that Kerry would have done a better job, given the circumstances. I also voted for McCain over Bob Barr, though I do regret that vote. Nonetheless, I like talking about it with you, Tyrion. Most people's political beliefs are set in stone by the time they get their undergraduate degree, but that doesn't mean it's not worth talking about.
  22. Where do I apply for my MOT?
  23. I spent some time with the Shanling, albeit with inferior headphones. It was good enough that I felt I could reastically identify a recabled KSC-75 from a stock KSC-75. I also spent about 10 minutes with the -==- and the Shanling, and it was really a nice combination. For the size and the flexibility, I really think it's a great amp.
  24. Then I can expect to reasonably complete an egmont by the third try.
  25. Justin, you clearly overestimate the "I fucked up 3 CMOYs" crowd...
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