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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. I'm just thinking the hazard to your speakers drops immensely when considering that you're getting about 500 btu/hr out of that fireplace. If it were my room I'd have them farther apart, but that's my knee-jerk reaction. I can't say how they sound in your room, nor do I really know what your room looks like.
  2. Seconded. Consider the resolution drafted. Now, if Acoustic Sounds was to open a brick n' mortar near me, I might reconsider...
  3. Sherwood

    slow forum

    That's alright, real traps suck. She's pretty cute, though, so good on you.
  4. It seems like you have one of those hip candles-only fireplaces. Am I right in assuming that?
  5. Well, the East Coast certainly wins this round of "Who's more hardcore". Colorado will have to get its A-game back for the next round. Sorry about your trip, Nate, but I'm equally sorry for all the NYC attendees. The loss of N_Maher is a grave loss, indeed.
  6. That is simply an astonishing figure. I could never imagine such a thing to be possible.
  7. Also, the odds of your family "getting any mother-loving sleep" go down commensurately.
  8. Well, it's "best of the year lists" time again, so I'm catching up on all the albums I didn't give enough of a chance the first time around but I've no doubt I'll have to talk about with someone in the upcoming weeks. First up: Bon Iver: For Emma, Forever Ago
  9. Sherwood

    slow forum

    My favorite quote from that link? "Lion prays to the god of zipper-meat", courtesy of Score Cock Drainers, doubtless the first in a series.
  10. Sherwood

    slow forum

    That looks like exactly the sort of thing lefty grandmothers would purchase while browsing locally-owned stores on a walking wall on a Sunday afternoon. In other words, I totally believe that it is real.
  11. Check your bedside cd player.
  12. Kyle Riabko -- Before I Speak More importantly, i'm listening to my new ECD-1. WOWOWOWowow11!1
  13. Christian McBride -- Live At Tonic
  14. You would, millionaire.
  15. I see what he's getting at. Even bad electrostats beat dynamics, albeit probably bad dynamics. No argument from me.
  16. Don't hate tha playa, hate tha game, Spaniard.
  17. If he doesn't want Paypal, he doesn't get the privilege of ebay. Simple as that. Unless he pays you from his account you shouldn't accept it. You get refunded fees for a relist on a non-paying bidder, so the only thing you lose is your time.
  18. Not a problem at all. They're great speakers, and I'm sure they'll find a home. I'm always game to cheat customs, for anything you Europeans may need.
  19. It would be nice had they been able to get a pair of 20.1s in the test to compete with the vantage and the like.
  20. I've tried to get two people to buy your little beauty. Seems it's not in a popular niche at the moment.
  21. Doug, I'll make you a deal for my MG12s, if you're interested. I'll bullshit customs however you please.
  22. The one and only time I waited the entire allotted period for payment (7 days on ebay US) the guy who bought from me was a total d-bag. Real winners pay right away.
  23. Hopefully word of this study spreads far and wide, and I can unload my MG12s on Craigslist for a good price before Christmas.
  24. They are delicious, the maggies. I prefer my PSB's, though. Interesting.
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