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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. For a rough test, the "Decibel" program for the iphone is always within 2 dB of my ratshack dB meter. It costs $1. If you're measuring something professionally it's not worth your time, but it gives a good approximate level and an excellent relative level. If you're just trying to be around 85 dB, this will do the job well on the cheap.
  2. Sanitize your (Secular) Sonic Sins
  3. So, let me get this straight... Music ripped to a computer from one of these discs sounds better than music ripped from a run-o-the-mill cd, right? They currently only sell these in blank disc format, right? You would need to first burn music to the computer, to be able to burn it back onto the magic disc, right? :asshat::asshat:
  4. Big fan. Jem and Imogen Heap kickstarted my love of British female vocalists, which now dominates many a playlist.
  5. Sherwood

    slow forum

    There needs to be one large, all encompassing bubble labelled "Dad's Money"
  6. I endorse the posited "Audio Confessional" (no slight to you and the rest of the chosen, Mike, but we might need more than one day a year). My sin this year? I recabled a KSC-75 with cryo-treated wire, even though I knew it was a bad idea. I even bought some cryo-treated plugs for other applications.
  7. Blitzen Trapper -- Furr
  8. Rifftrax of 300: "This! Is! A Sparkler!"
  9. I feel so used.
  10. This has devolved into semantics, so far as I can see. Your points are well-taken, Dusty.
  11. Grahame, Interestingly, when I first went to Europe, I was surprised by the fact that washing machines seemed to be designed to fit under the u-bend in a kitchen sink drain.
  12. Your rich "What are you listening to" history justifies the gear-go-round plenty well, should you need any justification for enjoying what you've earned, Al.
  13. Swore a "no preassembled audio gear in '09" oath to my wife. Let the gross misinterpretation of DIY begin!
  14. This was the local shop/penis museum.
  15. I'm not sure who this was directed at, but I don't see anyone here doing that. I don't think he has musical value because I don't think he has musical value. His appeal is purely as a technician, not as an artist. I don't enjoy baroque choral music, either, but I'm not claiming it has no musical value. That's just my take. I spent 3 years in a band with a huge Satriani fanatic, and I think I gave him as good a shot as he is likely to get. He and Vai and Johnson and Malmsteen are not my thing. I'd rather have buckethead.
  16. That's what she said. Now she's pregnant.
  17. I'm not gonna lie. I definitely loved "Alive".
  18. Eugene Hutz is ten kinds of awesome, indeed.
  19. I was very careful not to give you the impression that our opinion matters in regards to yours -- it certainly doesn't. I was simply trying to answer the question posited -- why all the Satriani hate? My impression is that my feelings mirror the feelings of many on these forums, ergo we all be hatin'.
  20. What's with all the Satriani defense everywhere? The guy is a wanker. I don't care if he's a pioneer in his field, his field sounds like someone handed a guitar and a distortion pedal to a babbage adding machine. Technical virtuosity aside, I find his actual musical ideas to be so simple that they are laughable. I think this is the general feeling on this and other equipment-related sites. If you are dead set on listening to a musician who practices every waking moment, listen to some Coltrane.
  21. When bumblefoot sues someone who is musically relevant, call me.
  22. A welcome change. I've heard the argument that "they want you to buy the DAC too", but that's silly. The 840c has absolutely exploded on the market, in large part because of the balanced capability and the digital in at a hotly contested price point. You can't tell me that some other companies wouldn't like to make that money, as well (I'm looking at you, Rega.)
  23. Sherwood


    The whole thing is also up on hulu, should you wish to view it for free as one piece.
  24. Sherwood

    slow forum

  25. Sherwood

    slow forum

    Neither of those skanks can sing, though. I'll tell you who's the prettiest out of the gear I love the most.
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