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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. I have a pair of perfectly acceptable monoprice XLRs. They do have something of a tight grip, though, I'll admit. If I were to do it again on the cheap, I'd go Blue Jeans. As it is, I'll keep them until I find a stellar deal on something better.
  2. Justice is a tricky word... I've heard the ESP950 out of a Woo GES, an SRM1-Mk.2 and an SRM-T1 and it was wonderful out of all three. Best out of the Woo, naturally, but I don't think it's nearly as hungry as the O2
  3. Sherwood

    slow forum

    Allow me to be the first to put a donk on that suggestion
  4. I did too, but it was ridiculous of Beefy to expect to keep it on a site that is dedicated to not talking about religion. I had to take down my Reagan avatar. Presumably McCoy can stay for now.
  5. See, I have no idea what this means. I looked it up on Urbandictionary, and translated it to american: "Saddlin' up and ridin' a shawty for a blow-by" Much clearer.
  6. Aaannnndddd.... scene.
  7. Nice, System Audio. I love those little guys.
  8. You are, in fact, the world's coolest Spaniard, so I have no objection.
  9. I'll just assume you mean "two down" in reference to an Irish cock.
  10. Wab: (N) A low-income hispanic, with no adaptation of the main-stream American culture and limited english language vocabulary and pronounciation. Douglas, that is you to a "T".
  11. Shameless. Never have I seen someone beg so blatantly for a custom title
  12. I am honored, but choose to remove myself from contention. Believe it or not, I totally phoned those things in.
  13. I'll just photoshop you into mine, then. No problem.
  14. Simple. Just include your email password/login and we're all set.
  15. So that makes at least three fretless bass players on here. We are going to make one extremely noodly-ass, terrible song when we eventually trade protools files.
  16. Sherwood

    slow forum

    I'm in that circle right now. Seems a better place to be than just outside it, to say the least.
  17. Congrats, Blackmore! That looks sharp as all get out.
  18. Stacks.
  19. I went to the Denver Art Museum's free first Saturday
  20. Yeah, that's pretty fair. I just found it too abrasive for the price point. Lots of cheaper gear simply rolls off the top, rather than dealing with it. After hearing the DAC1, I get that. The ECD-1 is nice and smooth, but without the sense that detail is just being scrapped.
  21. I really, really like the top end. Being reasonably young and capable of hearing to about 18khz, I'm somewhat sensitive to grainy treble. Even if there isn't musical information above 15 or so, which I thoroughly believe, there is room for error. I really feel the treble is much more natural on the ECD-1, without losing any detail that I've noticed. Hi hats and hand claps sound excellent, both in timbre and in soundstage. The midrange is what is often praised on this unit, and while I have no complaints it doesn't strike me as being revolutionary. It isn't scooped all to hell, which is nice. Reed instruments have a lot of bite, which is really what I listen for. I didn't dislike the DAC1, I just didn't feel it was an improvement enough over cheaper gear (0404, Oritek, VDA) I had enjoyed, so I sent it along. The ECD-1 is staying, both for its excellent sound and its pleasing look.
  22. It's actually a rolling pin called Mjolnir.
  23. That's reasonable. As an outsider, I didn't see how he included you, but I can see how exclusion would be more important from your perspective. Corrupt is also a pretty big word to be throwing around, and while I stand by my question of "what proof could he present", I also agree that corruption is a serious charge to level.
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