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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. /unsubscribed
  2. We only care insofar as it prohibits you from using an Apogee Duet. We loves the duet here at HC.
  3. Or at least until the revenue has subsided to the point of needing a little boost. Given the apparent differences between the 800 series and the 600 series, I don't see what "trickle-down" could occur. Sticking 800-esque drivers in a 600 frame (or vice versa) would create an entirely new third series of headphones.
  4. Remarkably, this forum (and others, I am told) have things called "threads", streams of individual comments that share a loose relation. Those threads are archived for the curious reader to digest, and they provide the reader with a good feel of the tenor of a forum. Rather than "waiting to see", I would suggest a proactive approach of reading these archived "threads" and discovering, right here and now, whether you are a good fit for this place.
  5. Amps and sources, my friend. We'll be here a while.
  6. Check their IDs.
  7. 19 on a scale of what? 1-50? Not bad for you, billy.
  8. C'mon, Dan, was it that bad a joke?
  9. I think head-fi can ban me for linking to it through headcase, but oh well.
  10. Tyll just called the HD 800s the best headphone he's ever heard. Seems like that's enough to justify a listen, at least.
  11. Sherwood

    slow forum

    Those dudes in the window are pretty jazzed about dick, I must say.
  12. I asked him when he was going to make an electrostatic amp, and his response was "When someone makes a good electrostat". Methinks an intervention is in order. Let's strap him down and put 600 volts to his face.
  13. I almost got a Think or Swim account today, but I'm at the "fax me a confirmation" step. Good to know. Sorry.
  14. 1.400 posts in and you don't know how to post an image? either "" (without spaces and quotes, ofc) or simply click on the icon at the top of the posting field that looks like a postage stamp with mountains on.
  15. Yeah, that would probably be more sensible.
  16. After a long day of selling pencils, it really hits the spot.
  17. Which will inevitably result in a "bass-light" and a "bass-heavy" version, or something to that effect. Whatever FR chart you get, Al, make sure to hold onto it. Should you ever decide to sell them, I guarantee you'll need to provide that information.
  18. I like this line from the webpage: A material made of stainless steel?
  19. Also thread, and a good strong rub on the front of your waistcoat before every bite.
  20. Damn, them some nice cans. I think a better approach exists than the one I was driving at, however. Your best bet is probably looking for the HD 800 that sounds most like an HD 800, rather than the one that sounds most like something else you like. If you have a list of FR charts available, take whichever looks to be most average. Odds are good that this is the pair closest to spec, anyways.
  21. Knowing Tyll's deep, abiding love for Electrostats, I think it's fair to say that his favorite dynamic is his favorite can.
  22. All of them should sound pretty close to each other, honestly. I suppose there's still plenty of utility in customization, however. If you could only keep one pair of headphones (based on sound alone), which pair would you keep?
  23. Refurbished apple. Times are hard.
  24. The original Chinese leak over a year ago mentioned them being available in black and with an amp, but i've not seen any other data to suggest it. I'd think if it was, they'd have the black model and the amp at CES. Of course, I thought the Chinese leak was fake.
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