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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. One time I picked up a high-end Nokia, and turned around and sold that shit on ebay.
  2. Courtney Love is going to be pissed.
  3. I'd say it more than offsets that by thoughtfully providing "smooth sound".
  4. Sherwood

    slow forum

  5. They gained notoriety because he builds Pass designs after Pass releases them and sells them for profit. Some folks don't feel right about taking something that's free and making a profit off of it. I've never heard anything contrary about his build quality, however.
  6. I am inexplicably jealous right now
  7. Are you just smoking that in a corn field?
  8. It was like adding the graham cracker.
  9. any of you run it balanced? Sounded quite a bit different, to me.
  10. Send it over. We shall fight. Plus you totally know what I mean. If a headphone reveals a recording you enjoy to be of poor quality, are you supposed to eschew enjoyment of that recording, or find a way to make it sound nice? Headphones are a sort of EQ in that sense, so the DSP/DEQ comment is fair enough. Should our baby elephant be doomed to listen to only Koss Plugs due to his choice in music? I think not.
  11. My DAC shootout had me sell my ECD-1 for an 0404. The ECD-1 was noticeably better (as in I could reliably identify the difference and blindly preferred the ECD-1), but not $800 better to my personal value scale. Of course, it's just a matter of time before your personal value scale falls off a cliff. Enjoy the ride, Dinny.
  12. Even if that is so, the recording is a variable you cannot change.
  13. Can you manually calibrate the exposure down somewhat to compensate? My D40 overexposed A as well, but i got great results by bumping the exposure compensation down a stop.
  14. Wrote, wrote, wrote, cursed a lot, smoked, submitted a paper. All in all, this is about the best day a student can have.
  15. You could drive a large set of efficient speakers, too...
  16. I'm not sure that Craig is still making them. Everything he does is in small, limited runs.
  17. Bugs? Frozen beans? Mom, what is that?
  18. I'll bet ID doesn't What I mean by that is many of the pros I read about, and all of the ones I know, shoot most of the time in A priority. You should shoot in whatever gives you the pictures you enjoy the most. For me, that's A priority 90% of the time. You might enjoy it.
  19. Are you shooting full manual, Steve?
  20. Really? Am I that off? I read this huge article about George Kaye, and how he and his mentor pioneered the OTL amp, and how it turned the amp world on its head. I freely confess my ignorance on the history of tube design. I probably should have shut up already. That's the last time I take Stereophile at face value. I suspect you've all come to the same conclusion, but I'm the trusting sort.
  21. I left my favorite 3g iPod and a set of westone 2 on a plane from Istanbul to Minsk. I didn't even bother calling. They would have asked for my address and robbed me. I know how you feel sir, and it feels awful. Welcome to club "some stewardess' kid has my iPod"
  22. I don't have the money for this noise. You're all enablers. /unsubscribed
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