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Everything posted by Sherwood

  2. Well there you go. More sides is clearly better, which gets us right back to circle.
  3. I'm just going to surmise that you intended a slight against the Denver Broncos, and take the appropriate umbrage.
  4. I listened to them at the Denver meet a fair bit, Larry. They really do sound excellent. If I could have walked out of there with my recabled pair of Smeg's, I'm not sure I would have kept mine. More "fullness" is really the best way to describe it. Great lower-mid weight, and just a very coherent sound. I prefer the high extension and the deep bass weight of my pair to Smeg's, but his wins in the mids. It's also strangely comfortable. Really a great example of the K1K. My pair is also around the 4000#, I believe. I'd have to check.
  5. Why not squares, man? Squares would have been better.
  6. Yeah, that is better On it.
  7. Man, they're awfully nice. I'll call yama's again today
  8. Great band. They've really captured an eclectic cross-section of music lovers, if the two shows I've been to are any indication. My favorite by a mile is 2002's "In Our Gun". It's kind of a one-off from the rest of their oeuvre, but it's a solid album with lots of fun noises. Do give it a try.
  9. Look at the bright side, DOTU. If you need a whole prosthetic leg, you might get one that fires missiles In all seriousness, though, get better Al. We all live vicariously through you, and we need you at 100%. You also have what looks to be a loving family, and I'm sure they want you better.
  10. I placed a call to the US distributor on them this morning, but got no answer. I'm solid in for that.
  11. That's interesting, Ryan. I'm well aware of the default position on headphones and their devotees, but I would have thought Srajan to be more generous, considering his professed enjoyment of the K1000s and whichever ATH he raves about. I did always kinda wonder what the story was there.
  12. Absolutely, I was. I'd need to give it a really proper listen before real assessment, and preferably that would not be at a meet, but it's about the best I've ever heard the lambda frame sound. It was certainly good enough to have me scrimping and saving for a pair to replace my beloved SRs.
  13. your British restraint is what got us into this mess, Duggeh.
  14. I see RMAF Canjam differently, but I imagine some of that has to do with the fact that it's in my backyard at a show I've been to for four years and greatly enjoy. This is Colorado, kids. We're not terribly uptight here. You can go to the Opera in jeans. If they're expecting trumped up ipods and mp3s, they're not going to get it. This can be an excellent show for head-fi and for headphones in general. I sincerely hope that it is just that, and that some eyes are opened. That's what I'm pulling for, at least. That being said, I think distancing this show from the CanJam name is in order. This is something else entirely. I'm optimistic about what it is, but that ain't CanJam.
  15. Come now, at least it wasn't that cursed JH13 pro.
  16. Esp950 + srm1 is one hell of a setup... The srd7 would, of course, also require an amp.
  17. I've read at least 15 people asking about where to buy an Illusion over the past two years, and the answer was always "they stopped selling them". If you know otherwise, do share, and I'll buy one today.
  18. Au' contraire, sir, I am a mystery even to myself.
  19. Yeah, man. Groooovy.
  20. You are among friends
  21. I'm going to bypass the DAC altogether and learn to listen to unconverted digital.
  22. Come on, September...
  23. QFT. My Stax setup now uses an adapter, and you have to go pretty high up in the amp range to significantly better it, especially on the SR Lambda.
  24. My guess is I bought it and now I'm giddy.
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