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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. Gentlemen... we have been given a golden opportunity.
  2. Except not one Nelson sweated all over.
  3. Mostly because it sounds better. None of them are wider than a rack space, though, so they should all fit anywhere your GES would. The ECD-1 was/is a great DAC, but for the price I think better can be had. It's probably in the top 10%, nonetheless. If you decide to do the Cullen mod business (which is apparently good stuff), I'd sell your existing unit as stock and buy a modded one. Saves about $100 and a few weeks. You're shipping something and having something shipped to you either way.
  4. ... I'll get my coat.
  5. So the tubes are mounted to the top plate, which is soldered to the sockets? Or are there just no sockets installed yet?
  6. How curious. While I realize that similar DAC chips often result in wildly different actual DACs, you're welcome to have a listen to my Peachtree Nova DAC (9006), Larry, to see how it gels with the rest of your gear. If you like it, a good direction would be a Buffalo or the Ultra DAC.
  7. Is the Ultra DAC a Sabre32?
  8. You've pretty much described my bedroom rig. Trends TA 10.1 -- SRD-6SB -- lambda Normal. The energizer and cabling is hidden, so all you see are some weird-ass waffle headphones and a turny knob. Pretty straight-forward. I think it sounds phenomenal, though i changed out a few caps. highly recommended, for the price.
  9. Or, buy a vintage RS-1. I'm sure someone will trade you for the HF-2 plus tons of cash.
  10. When I lived in Turkey, they once warned us that they started drawing water from a contaminated, untreated river three weeks after they did it. The rationale was that if they told people immediately, everyone would blame their new illnesses on the water. If no one knew, no one would blame the water, and the opposition party wouldn't have a chance to use it against them. I drank it for weeks, and i was cool. Don't let "E. Coli" scare you too much -- not all forms are hazardous.
  11. Paging NaamanF, paging NaamanF -- your next two years just called in sick.
  12. I'd probably get all stuttery and childish around Neil Gaiman, so take this with a grain of salt, but I thought Coraline was an exceedingly good childrens movie for adults. Children would be freaked the hell out.
  13. They would sound distant, of course.
  14. Sherwood

    slow forum

    As the resident conservative here, I'd like to firmly register a "who the hell cares". This doesn't look so hot, though. You boys better get moving on universal health care.
  15. The compass I last heard sounded pretty good with the HD 650s, and I imagine it would handle the Denon very nicely. I didn't love the EF1, so I haven't given the EF2 a very fair shake.
  16. It would be a work of art in the same way a North Korean Missile is a work of art.
  17. Like the PS Audio P1200?
  18. Ah, man, once you get above the point of "glue your withered husk permanently to the nearest path to ground", higher B+ voltages are just numbers
  19. Screw the crackers. $20 for shipping and I send back those photos of you on the lake with the babysitter.
  20. Dang straight. Her favorite thing is to drink cereal milk out of the bowl. She gets so excited.
  21. Ah, so imba, then. In need of a nerf, perhaps?
  22. That doesn't sound like any audio junkie I've ever heard of. Moreover, Birgir is staunchly in the "no power filter" camp -- I'm sure he could provide you with some solid reasons why.
  23. Sherwood


    not for Over-The-Air backups, it isn't. is now mine.
  24. I've done ESPN, enjoyed it, and am up for another go as well. Be warned, I suck.
  25. Hey, I have a dog, too! This is Aji. She's a four-year old Yorkshire Terrier named after the Korean word for "puppy". Like everyone's tied, she's tied for the most wonderful creature in existence.
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