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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. So long as they bring their rigs, I'll let 'em in.
  2. The smoke plume is in my state now, just like an ever-expanding number of your citizens. Go back to where you belong, all of you!
  3. It wouldn't in that case, but Stretch was trying to sort out high bitrate albums from low bitrate copies of the same album. Also, shame on anyone who needledrops in 16/44. How else are we to justify 24/192 DACs?
  4. With a baby elephant, no less.
  5. You can also display bitrate as a column under itunes. I believe that the prominence of bitrate as a sort field is a fair benchmark of how crazy you have gone, however. Mine is right after "Artist" and before "Album"
  6. Unless those accidents are lightning-bolt related
  7. Filed a complaint against a state licensed pet shop with the Colorado pet animal care facilities program. It is on.
  8. The second season is leaps and bounds better than the first, in my opinion. Less Bill Compton, more everything else.
  9. Surely this is a Japanese prostitute.
  10. Of course, it means "jowl" in French for some reason.
  11. I think having a close friend willing to make two cakes should bode plenty well on the marriage. Congratulations to your friend, and good work, Birgir.
  12. Sherwood

    slow forum

    The price tag on the figurine is from "Jesus Christ Superstore". Beautiful.
  13. As do I, on most songs. There's a handful I can do it reliably, however I don't bitch about how compression is ruining the music industry every day, unlike Mr. Lefsetz.
  14. Maropitant citrate for little Zam. Glug glug, little guy, keep it up!
  15. Bob Lefsetz is a great guy, but he talks out of his ass for a living. His "great speakers" are Audioengine A5s. Not bad, sure, but I'd bet dollars to donuts he couldn't tell a FLAC from a 320k on any song he wanted. That being said, I'm glad he enjoyed them. He's not known for pulling punches.
  16. Word. I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down. I'm going to set that rig up, actually -- sounds like fun.
  17. Forgive me if I'm missing something here, but isn't that Windows-only?
  18. Ridiculous. I lost whatever program gave me a nice little headphone icon on my status bar, and th new Audio/Midi layout is not entirely to my liking as of yet. Time shall tell, but it's identical (and perfect) to my ears.
  19. The impedance I get -- every Lowther driver I know is is a nominal 8 ohms, which is a far cry from the K1000s 120 ohms. Sensitivity I'm unsure of, since I'm not certain how to adjust the K1000s stated sensitivity of 74 d/mW into a more standard dB/1 watt at 1 meter sensitivity rating. The lowthers (and, to a lesser degree, the Fostex) all hover in the neighborhood of 100 dB/w. I definitely see what you're getting at, Marc, and I get that the F1 is an immensely esoteric amplifier. Nonetheless, I'm excited to give it a go-round on my K1000s
  20. Also, he does pay your rent.
  21. You can also hold down "c" to boot directly to the disc.
  22. It is something of a surprise to me. It was designed to drive efficient, crossoverless loudspeakers that would be "overdamped" with an amp of low output impedance, no? I'm hardly qualified to speak in this area, but the K1000 seems like exactly that.
  23. I drive mine out of a Peachtree Nova currently, which seemed awesome until I heard the K1K througha Cary 300sei. I should take receipt of an F1 clone here in the next week, which should be a clear step up. Also a Trends TA 10.1, which was excellent in many ways, and better than the Nova's amp section without a doubt.
  24. That works just fine for me.
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