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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. Sherwood

    slow forum

    This is a blessing in disguise, I've no doubt.
  2. The trends is a pretty decent K1000 amp, though running it with resistors seems to be highly recommended. I enjoyed that very combo for months before I had the F1, and still do occasionally.
  3. "]YouTube - Bass Fun: Edgar Meyer and Victor Wooten coolest duet ever[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-taGr3-uX0c let's keep the low notes rolling, shall we?
  4. Sounds like he's playing a damn tree, it's so woody. Great 7th post indeed.
  5. Sherwood

    slow forum

    Yeah! Fuck Anchorage!
  6. Straight death, or death of rats?
  7. Wood is better than all other options listed above.
  8. One would ask the question, Ryan: isn't there a preamp in your Si2a3?
  9. Sherwood

    slow forum

    +1 for creationists right here.
  10. I took the US Foreign Service exam today, and in doing so forever changed the face of diplomacy.
  11. You can always get the art done later.
  12. I doubt I'll get much farther than the one I've had already I'll be sure to let you all know should that change, though. You old men need to live vicariously through something
  13. Alright, so we do this this correctly the first time: Left to right: Jaime, Ann Marie, Brittany, Bri, Bradi, Brandy
  14. Way past that. It's Rethm loudspeaker cable.
  15. Excellent impressions, Aura, and I'm thrilled that they're working out as well for you as they did for me. You are correct that the Moth gear is tickling my fancy over here, so this was a good deal. Regarding bass, it's very room/placement/amplification dependent. They had deeper bass in my room than they seemed to in yours upon initial setup. I'm sure you've tweaked it since then, but there's lots of good to be had. FWIW, I'm of the opinion that bright treble is good, so long as it's occasional. Sometimes treble is bright, both in real life and on recordings. If a trumpet doesn't occasionally drill a hole in your head, it might mean you're losing detail on everything else.
  16. Sherwood

    slow forum

    Oh yum yum yum.
  17. I asked this once before, elsewhere, and most folks tend to fall around the $50/gallon mark. At that price, I can't see how it's feasible.
  18. Hey, since we're off topic already and it came up, what is the right price for 1 gallon of fresh breastmilk?
  19. mmmmmmmmmmmmm
  20. infintely.
  21. I like that should I wish to keep up with this interesting and enjoyable discussion on Alaskan winters, I need to go to page two of the thread on belt drive CD transports. Hooray for off-topic.
  22. He's Alex, Sankar's business partner
  23. I would selectively quote the above, but it is just too awesome for that. Nothing like watching a bull moose wake up while drinking a cup of coffee in a flannel robe. Does the sun rise up there during the winter? In my head there's a sunrise.
  24. oooooohhhhh. Do want.
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