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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. They do, but I'd hate to think what sort of watch list that would put you on.
  2. Want. One. Right. Now.
  3. A marked change from the traditional "sausage", no doubt.
  4. As to the D90 vs. D40 First, definitely get them in your hands. I bought a D200 sight unseen a while back, and it did not fit with me at all. Even my big bass player hands didn't like it, so out it went. I started on a D40, and gradually became dissatisfied with a few things about it. One was that it couldn't bracket exposures, and I like to shoot HDR often, and the other was that it was hard to get a good feel for white balance off the screen. The D90 brackets three exposures, which is better than none and worse than 7, and the screen is very nice, if not terrifically more helpful. I got the 90 because the 40 didn't do what I wanted. If the 40 bracketed exposures, however, I'd probably still shoot it over the 90 and spend the extra money on lenses.
  5. Macstah, it is time to give yourself over to the JH.
  6. No cable noise issues that I've heard yet, including outside in the wind. Really, anything you wrap up over your ears is pretty much impervious to cable microphonics. Since you form a tight seal, however, footsteps and the like can be easily heard, like any other IEM.
  7. Ooh, Brahem and St. Vincent -- fine choices, sir.
  8. An oud, eh? Sounds like you're listening to my kind of music
  9. Got mine from the icy north, promptly opened it and have been enjoying ever since. Here's hoping Amazon.co.uk allows for same enjoyment over there
  10. May your subjects all recognize this momentous day!
  11. It would definitely scale up with the Pearl, and if you wanted to upgrade further I think you'd want something of that caliber to really notice differences. Also, I forgot to give you my wet cleaning solution to use with the D4 brush. It's the Library of Congress solution, made with Federally controlled solvents courtesy of my wife. Totally safe (unless you use it to make meth), and totally unobtainable. Lemme dig around a bit and find it, and we'll do lunch some time to trade off.
  12. Sherwood


  13. Out of vogue? Pshaw. These things are eaters of worlds. That silence you hear is just the absence of formerly extant planets.
  14. Control top? Smart move.
  15. Oh, I think he'd be able to feel that.
  16. I already renounced Verdukianism
  17. Happy unBirthday, Ken! Today's pretty busy, as it happens to be not only my unbirthday but also unChristmas. I have a lot of things to buy for myself.
  18. Got your message before Larry, I second all said about the Bellari. Noisy, flat, uninvolving, lame. The Pearl is the real deal, though. You'll definitely notice a difference there.
  19. "Amazon.co.uk has dispatched your order" dispatched!
  20. Thanks! I've put a hold on them at the local library. I will, however, likely read some sort of graphic novel series about ponies in between this and that, as I caught myself looking at a box of recycling paper yesterday and wondering if I should save it to burn for warmth.
  21. I hear that... however, when given the choice of staying in the woods or making friends with the monkeys that have a fire, it seems like one decision is vastly more intelligent than the other.
  22. Possible. Certainly possible.
  23. McCarthy -- The Road. Got high marks from Ric, who I trust. Does not disappoint.
  24. Took the 5 pound dog out for a walk last night in -8 F. She made it to the end of the block, appraised her situation, and made it halfway back before her paws were frozen and she stated walking funny. If I put her in boots, however, she outright refuses to move. stood in the same place for over an hour one night. I love dogs so damned much.
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