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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. They did one better:
  2. True enough, Steve. Shame it had to be a good one. I can’t think of any major headphone manufacturer save Stax whose engineering I trust more. While they definitely let a lot of expensive junk out the door, they are still well above the Mendoza line for me.
  3. Sherwood

    Abyss Phi TC

    His review of the Raal SR1 was not glowing, but the EQ settings he came up with are really good. I use them daily, and I'm glad he took the time to post them even though he did not ultimately like the headphones much. I don't think he's totally worthless, but I don't think he is enough of a visionary to be leading the movement he has cultivated over there. As a regular forum user or a guy with a blog, he's informative and interesting. As an objectivist cult leader, he is grating and ill-informed. Also, I think his fucking ears are broken.
  4. Sherwood

    Abyss Phi TC

    I don’t like any of these people, so it is fun to watch them fight.
  5. 🥰to all of this. Ryan, I'm going to let Antonio play with the L2 for awhile, then I'll reach out to you. If you're still making unwuse financial decisions by that time, I can't stop you.
  6. Frankly, Antonio, I’d be happy to loan it to you indefinitely. Listen and enjoy on your own time. I’m not about to nickel and dime HC’s doctor.
  7. I still adore my ECP L2 with my HD800s but my listening has switched entirely to the Raal SR1a. I'm not eager to let the amp go, but if any ECP-curious folks would like to hear one of life's great pleasures, let me know. I'm happy to find a reasonable price for the HC faithful.
  8. I think Mr. Miller has endured enough negative feedback, don’t you? Let the man oscillate how he pleases.
  9. My pick for true HC grinder is probably the Kafatek Monolith MAX, which while cheaper than the Ceado is maybe also better.
  10. Those niche grinders are going for a mint now that Hoffman has talked them up.
  11. It has some gearing to get a little extra out of each turn, but it is manual. I’d love to see a video showing how long it takes to grind through 60g of fine ground beans, but no dice so far.
  12. Agreed, I'd help keep Dan in business. On a related note, any thoughts on the Orphan Espresso Apex grinder? I don't make espresso at home, but I do drip through a Bonavita machine as well as siphon and pourover. Through my Baratza Encore grinder many coffees taste pleasant but similar. I'm not getting the same flavor notes I am reading about, and as with all other pursuits in my life I believe it is because I've not yet spent enough money.
  13. Not related to Lloyd Cole, but re: the shifting music income model I found this NYT piece illuminating: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/10/arts/music/hyperpop-spotify.html TL;DR A lot of burgeoning hyperpop artists are destitute teenagers and Spotify's inclusion of their home-produced music on the very influential Hyperpop Playlist represents an unbelievable windfall for them. When their music falls off the top of the playlist they scramble to do whatever they can to stay relevant and keep the tap open.
  14. I listen to a lot of klezmer music, would you classify that as ghetto type?
  15. I read it for the first time a few months ago, and I found it very similar to you. It was really well-paced, I felt propelled from one plotline to the next, my unhappiness at leaving one storyline outweighed always a little by excitement to revisit another. It's really a great story, laid out well. The discussions about reading order and canon are impenetrable and detract from the experience somewhat, but what can you do? I highlighted the above because I think the sort of Arab fetishism the writing about the Fremen exhibits did not age the same way the rest of the book did. Obviously public conceptions about the Middle East have shifted greatly here in the West, and I'm personally very fond of the kind of romanticized Bedouin culture seen in works like Dune and Lawrence of Arabia, but I also think it's a little skin deep. The noble savage thing is a well worn trope and it fits the larger hero's journey nicely, but it does feel like a bit of moralizing on Herbert's part. It also removes me from the fantasy somewhat, as the other major factions don't seem to have the same obvious real-world counterpart.
  16. The song "Not" by Big Thief is a classic earworm with a tremendous delivery. It's on a later album, Two Hands, if you've not yet branched out. Great album, but you have to fight that impulse.
  17. I’m so American at first glance I thought the guy in the gray coat was holding a gun. Obviously that would be awesome.
  18. Sherwood

    Get your game on!

    I don’t regret preordering, and I had an excellent experience on a PC running a 9700k and a 2080. Minimal bugs and a generally clean, satisfying experience. I’m glad they put it out when they did, and I believe they did not expect the backlash they got. That said, I’m not sure it’s a “91” game even if everything works perfectly. I’ll revisit in 6 months or so once the DLCs drop, but outside of the core story and the better side quests it’s not a revelation. It looks fantastic, much better than anything I’ve ever played, but I think the artistic reach exceeded the gameplay grasp. A lot of seemingly complex systems are ultimately an unnecessary distraction. In Skyrim everyone ends up just playing a stealth archer because it’s too powerful to ignore, and the same goes for headshot pistol builds in Cyberpunk. I spent most of the game throwing weapons away and using revolvers and baseball bats. Every time I tried something new it was a punishment. I’ve been playing a lot of Breath of the Wild again with my daughter, and that is a perfect experience to me. No other game so fulfills its core promise, Cyberpunk included.
  19. That system looks pleasant, but I cannot for the life of me figure out why. It appears to be a Crowley turntable or similar, set on the thin wooden floor of an entertainment center resting on a stack of books. It’s then plugged into a PA mixer. The digital source is an ancient tower computer running a pirated copy of Windows and controlled by a mouse and keyboard with cords draped across the floor. To hear that description you’d think this would look terrible, but somehow it’s humble and lovely and looks like a very nice way to enjoy some music until the lamps apparently melt your panels.
  20. Obviously Anime is not for everyone, and “Attack on Titan” did pull an honorable mention, but if I’m ever talking to someone under 20 years old I am likely talking about “Boku no Hero Academia”.
  21. If it's younger males we're advocating for, can I recommend Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas' halloween costumes as a point in the Addams Family's favor?
  22. I recognize many of your memories are from the shows, which were well into syndication by the time i got to them, but for me the Addams Family was the 1991 movie. While I recognize this may be seen as heresy, can you fault me for preferring Anjelica Huston?
  23. This is lighting up a lot of "Best Of" lists lately, and for good reason. Approachable, delicately produced, and some blazing lyrics out of a clean little voice. Phoebe Bridgers - Punisher
  24. That entire setup is otherworldly cool. I would be jealous if anyone else had it, but I like you so much it just makes me happy to think of you enjoying what is almost certainly the best source gear available to man.
  25. Sherwood

    Get your game on!

    Sad to hear it, Adam. My bugs have been few and far between, and the quality of the content is too good for me to turn away. I have 31 hours into the game now, which is riding the line between "I'm glad you enjoy your new game" and "hey, are you alright"? I love my wife, but she doesn't get me like Judy Alvarez does.
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