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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. As a rule, they do not. I've been wrong before, though (see three posts up.)
  2. Doug isn't the licensing type, I suspect. Why trust someone else to do it for you when you can do it better yourself?
  3. Amp = exciting More talk about DAC = much more exciting. Your public demands you.
  4. I might have rushed to judgment. Gentlemen, this is the man who remastered "Three's Company" for rebroadcast on Sky Italia!
  5. Bad start. Would you like to register under a different username to pretend you are not just hyping your website? I can wait.
  6. It will be rewarding whether you love it or not. Good choice.
  7. It's a punctuation issue. "available 24 hours a day" is to be read "Available! 24 hours (a day)"
  8. For good reason. This is as good as I've ever heard them, though I've not heard Jacob's combo. The only time I heard them with the peak was at a meet, so not a fair comparison. Remember really liking it, though.
  9. It will not likely come as a surprise to any of you here, but the ECP L-2 with the HD800s is some next level shit. I've been putting in a few hours a day on this combo for the last few months, and there is nothing it does less than amazing. I am down to little changes, like replacing all the padding on my HD800s (well worth it). Some days I feel like it's too bright, but then I listen to a dull recording and it's plenty dull. I was listening to something last week that was so bright it hurt my teeth and made my vision dim slightly -- a Chinese recording with a sample of a splash cymbal being nailed right on the bell over and over, close miked. I know exactly what that sounds like, as a bass player who had to stand next to a drummer in practice. It sounds like a nail in your skull, and it hurts your teeth. That is some fidelity right there.
  10. End game is the point of the game. After that, you get to enjoy posting about scotch, watches, bikes, photography, and all sorts of other things unrelated to headphones. That's the point
  11. Sorry to hear about your place, Larry. Crazy year Colorado has been having. I'm glad to hear that everyone is safe, and that you got gear out of the way in time. Less glad to hear about looming repair bills. The 2 kids off at school -- any of them in school in CO? They both alright?
  12. I'ma do my best to be present at the draft, but it's 9:45 AM my time, which is really the prime "interview Chinese people" time of my day. In any case, I'll have reasonable autodraft guidelines set
  13. Oh man, so jelly. That whole experience sounds tremendously nice. I need a trip home. Every single American thing is making me nostalgic. I actually missed Washington D.C. earlier today.
  14. more pretty ladies is never bad.
  15. I'm with Bryan (in all things). 6'2". Santa has to always be taller than me,
  16. Also, Todd, that's a sweet machine. I built a few HTPCs and none so good as that.
  17. An HTPC using server/client software (like Plex) can buffer much better than the PS3, taking advantage of all the bandwidth you can get when you can get it. Even if you don't change your network setup, it would help solve streaming problems. That's predicated on local content, however. Aside from adding a really excellent network card, there's not much you can do for Netflix.
  18. You could make him literally draw the names, like with a pencil. It fulfills the letter of the law, though it's just Colin choosing what he wants
  19. Shock of the summer for me? Apparently Robin Thicke is making time with white girls now.
  20. Iceland only likes penises
  21. S'alright, you don't have anything to prove here.
  22. A link to the welcome thread is always, err, welcome, but this is a fair topic. We do love the Parasound gear here. I've not heard the 2000, unfortunately, but the 1600 is a fantastic DAC. I imagine a few folks here have heard both, though with the constant development in digital tech I wonder whether decade old statement products still hold the appeal they once did. The Parasound is no longer the last word in resolution, it is just a really enjoyable piece of gear. Is the 2000 that much more enjoyable, for being a more concentrated flavor?
  23. A rollable tube power supply (using mercury vapor rectifiers) to bias cables, built by Mikhail. Jesus, the world was crazy 5 years ago.
  24. I'm using the parametric EQ built into JRiver, and might instead use a DSP plugin if I feel it results in better sound. It's not really anything in the way of additional electronics, but it is a little more processing.
  25. The Icelandic mafia is halfway there. The fury of Thor gets folks to pay up, but the accounting of Kaupthing still leaves the enterprise a little wanting. Here's to Gudjonsson 2014 shaking things up in the Althing.
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