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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. Chinese companies usually know how to get a good product from Chinese manufacturers. I imagine these will be made as advertised, though possibly with used caps.
  2. Don't scratch it too hard. Upside is that it is soldered properly and built to spec.
  3. Taobao, as of last week, accepts a few more payment options. It's not just Chinese bank account or Alipay account, now. Shipping overseas is still tricky, but not so tricky that they're about to turn down a sale. I'd say buy on Taobao like the locals do -- right from the seller.
  4. They look like Usher X-718s to me.
  5. It would be nice if these turned out to be good, becuase more good headphones is better than fewer, but I absolutely cannot stand these people. The RCA plugs are stupid, as is the explanation. they want to "democratize the concept of a replaceable cable"? Fuck you. I didn't get to vote. Also, no one owns mono mini plugs or mini xlr. All they will do is generate trouble when people plug these directly into a DVD player or something. There is nothing magical about their choice of wood, either. All I wanted to know was what driver they were using, and they didn't tell me.
  6. I am immature, to be fair, but I approve of posts from Eurotrip. They invoke teh funny in me.
  7. The only streaming client my family cares about is Youtube...
  8. The HD800 are the best dynamic headphones ever made.
  9. Despite the dim view my organization takes on IP theft, I too am interested...
  10. Clearly. That's why you're cluttering the Stax thread talking about it.
  11. Sure, yeah, but Frankie had no idea how to use them.
  12. Sherwood


    I came here hoping it was a play on "edibles". Disappointed. Also, I see the lack of an extant appealing computer voice (aside from maybe Siri) to be an obstacle here.
  13. I've read this sentiment elsewhere, from folks who should know. I prefer the interior fit n' finish and the general aesthetic, plus I don't run the Nurburgring Nordschleife very often. If it's more fun <60 mph in or in between urban areas, it's more fun for me.
  14. I just grabbed an X5, because I can have it shipped to me overnight from the factory, and an exhausted man in an Amazon jumpsuit delivers it to my door after sunset. It makes me feel like I rule the world. This thing is awesome and horrible. It weights 10 times as much as I would like it to weigh, likely because it uses its stupid billet aluminum case as a heatsink for whatever insanity they put inside. Its UI is truly ghastly, and I've been assured it's a marked improvement from earlier iterations. The click wheel feels like it would fall off it you turned it face-down, the buttons are incomprehensibly laid out (upper right is "back"? a long press on upper left is "menu"?.) Sound is great, I think, but I also feel like people are talking out of their ass about DAPs in general. I run my JH13s out of this on low gain, and they sound heavenly. I tried running my HD800s on it, and it worked poorly. Grados were pretty good. None of them sound as good as they do out of my ECP Audio L2, so the compromise is inherent. Once you know you're going to compromise, the question is by how much. I am not equipped with a metric for it. It's about a $4000 compromise, which makes it an easy decision. I bought the thing because it holds dual TF cards and plays High Res and DSD files, which means I don't have to maintain separate libraries or curate overmuch when I'm loading music on to my player. I have ~1 TB of music on my server, and it's frustrating to maintain multiple copies in itunes just to load up my phone with a single album. Much easier to just dump 25% of it unaltered on the these cards and play. More impressions later, after I've put a few hundred hours of listening through it. Until then, I love the idea of it, but don't love the execution.
  15. I was at the Beijing auto show this last weekend (for the crazies) and got to sit in the driver's seats of a bunch of offerings while Chinese children excitedly pressed their faces against every glass surface in the building. I realized that I really like the layout of the new Ford Focus ST. It might not be a better car than the WRX, but it feels way different than any Ford I grew up with. Good on Ford for weathering the storm and consistently making cars people want to buy irrespective of their feelings on America.
  16. Sir, I would like helping to find a gray (neutral) and silver (bright) cable to compliment my Alpha Mad Hyena headphones. The bass is good, so please no red wires. Can you provide one? (please note, I will require a certificate of grayness)
  17. I thought the appeal was all of the knobs.
  18. Another soul saved
  19. Easy. Solder all three yellow wires together, then both reds and both greens. Heatshrink each individually, then heatshrink the whole bundle. Someone who cares about "best practices" will have a better way, maybe. but that person is doing something better with their time.
  20. Felicitaciones! A very happy day to you and yours.
  21. That is some ace fucking prognostication there, Nostradamus.
  22. I'm sitting here in the lobby bar of the Shangri-La hotel in Xi'An, China drinking a $13 gin fizz with my wife, trying to explain the smiley that has become my namesake. Wife: Aww, they gave you kissy smiley? Me: we'll, it is not unlike a kiss... Wife: Oh. Oh. Tyler, why? It is a sincere pleasure to be a year older, and to have spent another year conversing with you fine gentlemen. I'm confident this fourth decade will be my best yet. Thank you all, f'realz. If any of you are in China in the next year, beers are on me. If you wait longer, you'll have to come to Istanbul.
  23. The conversation has already moved past it, and for good reason, but I cannot in any way recommend that gawdawful Bellari phonostage. It is a travesty against God and Man.
  24. I could envision a world in which I like these, but not one in which I own them.
  25. I owned a Drobo and hated it, but mine may have been a dud. For my next NAS, I'm tempted to go for the Synology 1813+. This is more your area than mine, Jacob -- why the Drobo love? I had the impression (informed by confirmation bias, no doubt) that Drobo was not beloved by professionals.
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