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Everything posted by Sherwood

  1. If you're staying in a hotel, you're not actually seeing Phish. Phish requires you to sleep in a tent in a makeshift potemkin village littered with gooballs, NOS balloons and guys who only make burritos from 2AM-5AM. I'm confident that is not fully booked yet
  2. That just tickles me.
  3. Asr, If you'd like, I'd be happy to loan you my SRM-T1 in place of your SRM1-mk2 for awhile, so long as yours isn't the PP (pro jacks only) model. It's bone stock, save for the upgraded Japanese Matsushita tubes / RCA cleartops. From what I understand, it's Birgir's favorite o2 Stax amp, save the SRM-717. He'll no doubt chime in here with how superior the KGSS is, and how superior the BHSE is to that, etc. but I have neither of those for you to borrow. I have my ulterior motive, of course, in that I'd love to hear the O2 for a few days... I'll be at RMAF all weekend -- if you're there we can swap
  4. You got scooped, Stealth. They make their cables out of carbon nanotubes or room temperature superfluids, though, so there's probably still room for good ol' magic copper.
  5. That, and blowing 10 grand on two amps
  6. Hey Spritz, What kind of mods have you performed on your SRM-T1? Anything aside from rewiring the input/output and replacing the panel jacks with something better? I ordered some NOS raytheon japan tubes, but I'd love to get the rest of the parts ordered before the stock market bottoms out and they repossess my lungs.
  7. Well, no pics but I recently retuned from Sigur Ros at Red Rocks, my local ampitheater. Unlike their previous tours, they were utterly without accompaniment, which complimented Red Rocks' incredibly clean sound quite well. The energy was compelling, the crowd interaction was surprising, and the whole thing kicked ass. Highly recommended.
  8. Naturally, the heads sound better. Using NOS two-headed pennies results in a far better sound. Especially on Gypsy music.
  9. I doubt you'll have any trouble reselling that should you ever desire to, given your reputation around these parts. Just say you modified it to "sound more like Jesus" or something. Actually, say that in your HF thread.
  10. I see your point. It could be a picture of a prototype. A lousy prototype. It could also be an elaborate ruse wherein some malicious competitor/customer/spurned Italian lover posted pics of some other amp's internals transplanted into a Rudistor case. Those scenarios are simply far less likely than the implied scenario -- someone took pictures of the inside of their production amp. Either way, it gives people a sliver of doubt about purchasing a Rudistor product over any of the other options available, and that's an excellent thing. There is no indication that Rudistor is anything less than the savior of voltage and curent at Head-fi, so I'm glad we have head-case to level the field. Grawk, you've been here a while, so you might be somewhat acclimated to the differences between HF and here. I understand Tyrion's position on moderation, and I respect it. HF is an enterprise in which many respected individuals have invested time and money, and they have a responsibility to protect that investment. No complaints here. I'm just glad that HC exists as a DMZ where I can actually discover if the inside of a $500 amp is just three pennies soldered to a battery before I buy it. You would not believe the shit that gets passed off as roses over there. Well, I guess you probably would.
  11. This is the beauty of Head-case. I get to see the insides of a piece-of-shit before I buy it / it gets taken down. Audio is a ridiculous, top heavy industry where decent manufacturers are going out of business. Why should we help prop that up by sweeping shit like this under the rug? If Rudistor can't figure out a way to deliver actual product for their price point, then they deserve to fail. Agenda or no, pictures don't lie.
  12. I agree with the assessment about John Marks. He actually downplayed a class C component (though, mysteriously, it's still class c) in the last issue. Marks is my favorite read in that rag.
  13. Well that's it. Surely there's more to life than recommending <$50 portable cans / teh best amp evar. Headcase here I come. Birgir, having now bought Lambdas from Faust2d (3d?) that he no longer needed after buying your gear, and an SRM-t1 that goosepond didn't need after buying your Srm-T1s, I'm starting to feel like your high school son who inherits all your old stuff after you're done with it. Except I have to buy it from other people. That last bit kind of ruins the whole metaphor.
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