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Everything posted by padam

  1. I would like to bump this thread because I could finally compare a stock Aurvana Live! to my recabled one (I chose D5000 cable) and I have to say, even I notice the difference. The most important thing is the bass, which has tightened up nicely and lets it sound more balanced. And also the highs are not sibilant anymore. Because of these things it is not fatiguing to listen to. I used them straight out of the Sansa Clip using lossless files, I guess the difference would be bigger from a decent source and headphone amp. But the cables are still at the customs so maybe later on can try this with the GLite (but only if the other one won't be recabled by then;)). The ESW10JPNs are still way more exciting to listen to(no contest, really), but these are more comfortable and on par with them in terms of isolation/leakage and costs much less. And that's partly down to the volume level which doesn't need to be turned up as high as it used to be. To sum up, I think they are quite nice for the money as a 'starter' closed headphone and it is worth to recable them because it is a surprisingly easy job to do and it gives noticeable improvements to the sound.
  2. This also seems to be an interesting project once it finishes: BuffaloDAC
  3. A new custom title, I like this forum. Anyway, a new thread opened at the other forum here, somebody with 7 posts claims that the LA2000 trumps everything. I would certainly say so, but only in terms of the pricing, which is insanely high. He is waiting for a Rudi to drive it... These two really deserve each other...
  4. It doesn't really have a competition so it should sell well even at this price.
  5. It seems to me that this headphone wants to be the poor man's Qualia.
  6. Wow, flashing custom title. I want that.
  7. I'd rather buy a used HE60 for this price.
  8. Ships only to Germany Are there any sonical differences between an old and a later K1000?
  9. If anybody in the EU is interested, I found an early K1000 at a reasonable price (500 EUR) http://www.hifi-forum.de/index.php?action=browseT&back=1&sort=lpost&forum_id=173&thread=4697
  10. Happpy birthday!
  11. Happy birthday to you! And happy new year! That's going to be two hangover in one;)
  12. I couldn't win the Stax CD auction, maybe next time
  13. A big package came today and I was surprised how small were the things that came in it.
  14. Nice pics, let's hope it has some similarities with the Abrahamsen DAC (but according to the price difference that is very unlikely)
  15. After some weeks, I'm beginning to appreciate the qualities of the ESW10. Somehow the comfort is getting better (I would rate it 'OK' at the moment). And the other thing that I noticed: it is so small that I have no trouble wearing it while I lay flat on my back in the bed. And it's great because I can concentrate on the music listening more easily in that way. Can't wait to try it with a proper amp and source to see what it can really do.
  16. And this is just the electrostatic collection, nice
  17. Because my T1S has the normal bias connector I am seriously thinking of trying a vintage Stax till my DAC arrives(and till then I will get a good mini-RCA cable to temporarily solve the problem). I am thinking of the SR-X MKIII to be precise. How much they worth these days? I've found two of them on ebay but I don't know if any of them can be considered as a safe buy. Please share your experiences, thanks(comfort is not important at the moment).
  18. Wow this is quality stuff even if I can't listen to it with my Stax yet. You made me want to win that CD even more, thx and merry xmas
  19. Thanks a lot! Will post mine as well if I manage to win the auction
  20. http://data.hu first button from the left is the upload, 100 MB per files is allowed and it is fully free.
  21. Okay, after some research I found out that one of these test CDs were posted on the other forum a few years ago but then it was removed. Can somebody send it to me? Pleeease? I'll try to get a different one from ebay so I may be able to give something in exchange.
  22. I bought an XLR cable and I realized later that I have absolutely no need to go balanced and I should have not sold the Pico.
  23. Maybe what you want is a UMPC rather than a netbook, but that is more expensive at the moment. The keyboard is just too small on a netbook that has a smaller form factor. I am writing on the Wind at the moment at a reasonable speed without problems.
  24. If you want a Dell, buy a Mini 12. According to the specs it is much more usable and also has a new hardware. I suppose it will worth the extra cash. The MSI Wind U120 is probably the best at this moment, but the U115 is coming and that will have a newer, more advanced hardware like the Mini 12, but with hybrid storage (faster and more efficient) so I think worth waiting for it. We had to buy one laptop before the end of the year so it was a fairly easy decision. The U120 is almost the same as the U100 but looks less cutsy The keyboard and screen is really good, the touchpad less so. The thing that it is built for a price does show in a few places. The noise levels are kept low. Overall I think it's good value.
  25. MSI Wind U120
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