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Everything posted by padam

  1. I had this curiosity so I thought I ask: after all these mods, will it sound like a LNS which you described as a bit boring?
  2. KOSS ESP/950 with Stax cable
  3. I sold the GLite and next week I will have a chance to audition the HD800. Damn...
  4. SR-SC1 Airbow set on a Japanese auction: Translated version of http://page6.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/f79079105
  5. I guess it comes with the SRS-2020. Pricey, but it's probably the best, period.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. Yes, but voltage is not the only thing which counts, for example the older SRM-T1 uses better parts than the SRM-006t so the new one is actually worse.
  8. Happy birthday!
  9. Good job I have an animal avatar, might be good for the future (just kidding) Glorious collection, especially in the left and the middle.
  10. Tried the Gamma-1 with MSI Wind and it was crackling badly, I guess something with USB power wasn't quite right. No problem with other notebooks. Maybe they aren't as ideal for the job as I had first thought?
  11. One binaural CD (free link on to the right, hope it works): part1 part2 part3
  12. Kevin Gilmore has/had a portable O2 rig I think
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. Th current lineup has the SR-404 but I didn't prefer it to the predecessor, the Lambda Nova Signature. But it might still be better than the Lambda Pro.
  15. Why don't you just give those drivers to me?
  16. Welcome to Head-Case. Q1: fix Q2: SR-007 (or something from the Lambda family, but the opinions are different which is the best)
  17. Thank you guys, it was certainly a surprise for me
  18. Another K1K popped up on a local auction site. The Hungarian Forint is still ludicrously weak so it is no more than 500 EUR (or 630 USD). The serial number is 09145. Damn, I need to sell something...
  19. Happy birthday, man!
  20. Ok, I'm a but confused now... But you own an AE-2 and not a Pico, it does mean something, isn't it?
  21. Asr wrote that it's 67-75% performance of the GS-1 so it can't be bad.
  22. The AE-2 has a better amp section, 3-way gain and more flexibility in terms of connectivity and it costs the same.
  23. HeadAmp AE-2
  24. I guess it's a lame question but is it the same for hybrid amps as well?
  25. It looks gorgeous.
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