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Everything posted by padam

  1. Centrance DACPort + HD600
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. And also very pricey if the 2000 EUR estimation is right.
  4. Pictures of a recently serviced original SRM-T2 if anyone is interested: http://hifido.co.jp/KWstax/G1/P0/A10/E/0-10/S0/C12-64548-38255-00/
  5. Yes there will be an update at the end of the year (there should be anyway as the 24MP D3200 and others are coming which should take back some lost ground) but it is still far away. Being able to take photos is the most important thing and the kit lens are better than average. Not great for MF but they do have OSS which is useful when hand-held and the distortion compensation works quite well (turned off by default) so I can use JPEG+RAW until I figure out how to make the best out of the latter (which is after I figured out how to make the best out of the camera ). Leica lens are probably overkill for this but there are many more much cheaper options. I also instantly updated the firmware to 1.01 and the AF is certainly faster but still not blazing fast. 2nd try with the view(linked full res). Still not great (and not at the right time either) but better than the 1st. It is quite windy these days so it is a challenge even with a tripod.
  6. Happy Birthday Doug!
  7. I like mine so far. At some point I will have to return it for the clicking issue fix (should take only a few days) otherwise it is nice to use and I carry it almost everywhere. The kit lens are ok (the 7 is much more picky) but it will take many months till they announce the new ones and update the range.
  8. Happy Birthday Gary!
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. View from the flat, once I figure out the proper manual settings it will be better - hopefully
  11. Thanks everyone!
  12. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/22/kfla-live-car-crash_n_1294698.html?ref=media
  13. Happy Birthday Colin!
  14. visualguy @hf wrote the 727 is better than the 323S for the 009 (take that as you will) I did not hear the 007 with something better than a 717 and DA11 as source but I felt that the 009 sounded much much nicer (with none of the "veil" that I heard on the 007, I was less impressed with them after hearing the 009) so I would take the latter for its open and super-detailed and clear presentation (it is like an open window to the music while the 007 is a blurred window) but there are genres where the the 007 is more fun because there is more bass. I didn't feel there were issues with the treble either, it was very relaxing to listen to. Also, for me the fit is nicer on the 009 and because of that the comfort is better as well. If I had to criticize something it would the arc which should not look weird on a hp as expensive as this but the weight is well-distributed. Now I start to think I would like the HE60 more than an O2 but the former is quite worrying in terms of build quality (reliability)...
  15. The SRM717 has very nice synergy with the 009 and others say the SRM727 is fine as well (although from what I gathered it is less linear in stock from so it would be interesting to compare the two or modded vs unmodded)
  16. 009+T2 you can't have any bigger win than that.
  17. Two Guys vs. A Car Wash Spray Hose
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. Happy Birthday, Tom!
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. http://www.ippinkan....-009_sr-007.htm Japanese comparison of the two Airbow Lambdas + SR007A and SR009, probably full of bs based on the given points, why not compare against the normal Lambdas instead...
  22. "The USB port has thankfully been given a work over, and is now 24bit/192kHz capable and asynchronous in nature."
  23. Q.: Is the SR-009 a power hog like the SR-Omega and SR-007?
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