Hello everyone,
This is my very first post in this forum I discovered very recently, and I can see many of you already do post on head-fi.
My nickname on head-fi is Shamu144 if you need any reference, though I am not a very active member there.
As introduction background, I can say I have some experiences with the electrostat sound (I own a SR-303) and dynamic sound (DT880, HD650 and K501). I was very pleased with my SR-303 powered by a Manley Stingray integrated amp, through an Illusion ESC-1001 adaptater box (I see many of you use SRD7). I decided however to downgrade my system for reasons too long to explain now, and ended up with a balanced amp that probably outperforms my former electrostats rig . My first balanced headphones were the HD650.
I still have a pair of K501, and there come the reason of my first post:
I know the K501 are extremely difficult to drive properly, so I was naturally thinking of balancing my K501 too. However, I do not want to spend big bucks in this upgrade, and I would rather have it done at the lowest posible cost. At this stage, I prefer to see how the K501 respond to balanced operations.
Is it technically posible then to have my current SE stock cable rewired with two 3pins XLR plugs to operate in balanced mode. I believe it is possible with the SE stock cables of the Senns, but don't know about the AKG K501.
Thanks a lot for your help,