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High Rollers
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Everything posted by immtbiker

  1. It appears that Headroom has followed the ways of corporate America. Tyll sells a part of Headroom a couple of years ago to get some cash to keep his employees' food on the table, then a couple years later, he gets demoted from chief cook and bottle washer to head waiter, then last year, wrote a series of rants of why he wasn't exploring opportunities with Headroom anymore, until the final demise. If you write to [email protected], this is what you get: Hi! I'm no longer with HeadRoom and am starting some new ventures. Please contact me at [email protected] -- Cheers, Tyll Hertsens I ordered a pair of Harbeth's from them on Monday and I was told today that my credit card was denied. I called the bank and they said "no transaction requests were made from Headroom" so maybe they're are stalling for time and drop shipping from another distributor. Also, on the note of them not innovating anything new, I heard from a very unreliable source, they are seeking equipment from China, so they are taking the road to un-prosperity. They were where it all started. It's a sad state of affairs, sort of like NAFTA. Shooting oneself in the foot.
  2. Al, within 5 minutes of me posting about "alleged" criminal activity, Jude called me and told me that he was going to edit my post. I did not edit it. Maybe it was for the best. It is his show and he can do whatever he wants if it feels that it might stir up legal issues against Head-Fi. My post was from the heart and I didn't take legal ramifications into account (that and I was at an airport, living on 3 hours of sleep). I admit that was wrong. I just felt, that since we have some semblance of a friendship, that it would have been better suited to write Mike and I a PM, rather than post it publicly in an open forum. If you had PM'd me about you feeling uncomfortable about my post, I would have gladly edited it for you.
  3. Thanks for the info guys.
  4. Ewwww!!!!! Not even on a bad day. Ugly stick is all worn out from that one.
  5. On Friday, I was driving in the left lane in a sea of cars all in a row, all doing 85 on the NJ Turnpike northbound. A woman in the middle lane, who had nobody in front of her in her lane, decided to "sandwich herself" between me and the car in front of me with only one car distance between us. I had to slam on my brakes to avoid a collision, which caused the person behind me to smoke his brakes. After I exhibited as much road rage as I could, she moved back into the left lane and as I passed her, I saw her looking down, smiling, texting someone. ------------------------- This is the epitome of stubborn. Just imagine the events that transpired for it to get this bad. They both had to think in their head "If it's the last thing I do, this mutha-fuckah ain't getting in front of me!" Now we have 2 people frothing at the moth with blood streaming from their ears, and neither one can get out of their car
  6. This comes from a man who has a daughter. Time heals all, except...
  7. My daughter commandeered mine as soon as I got home from the meet that never happened in Gaithersburg.
  8. Thanks to some of the other members, I was introduced to my first Belgian Blonde at the Brickskellers in DC on Friday night and she was quite attractive, and oddly potent. Dan explained the reasons why...it has something to do with how many times she has been around the block Anyway, now that's all I long for. I was in a nice pub in Williamsport, PA (don't ask) yesterday, and I experimented with my a Blue Moon Belgian Wheat and she was riding the pole (tap) and she was so good, I had to leave a tip. Very nice!
  9. Why are these members hovering over me. They were messing up the left side of my soundstage. If they were waiting to hear Hirsch's setup, they should have just tapped me on the shoulder, like Vicki did when I was saturated in Juan's Burmey setup. and said, "Aaron...you have to share!" Boy, did she bring me back down to planet earth. Buzz-Kill, but deservedly so. *EDIT* - Wait a dog-gone minute. This was when I was listening to Scompton's Stax Gamma headphones (which were very good for the money and the vintage, BTW)
  10. Like Peter said, I didn't know that you were there, also. It was nice to almost meet you, too. I know name tags are so "Trade-Show" like, but it's a damn good way to permantly forge a name to a face (provided that it's not a horrible imprint ).
  11. I had a wonderful time. This was the first meet in a long time that I sat and truly listened to equipment 80% of the meet. Dan did his best to make everyone happy and is a fantastic meet organizer. He would do well hosting a National. Stevieo was on his best behavior because I had his left testicle in my pocket (his wife snipped it one night during one of his stupors and perserved it in a snow globe that has to be shaken once in a while) and he knew he couldn't get it back if any innocent bathtubs were involved. Even Tyrion was quite mellow. There must have something going on in the air. The Burmester/modded EarMax was a class act. Hirsch's ES-1/2 fed by the Exemplar Denon 2900 with his HE-90's was musical bliss. Justin's Blue Hawaii prototype was great, as usual. Thanks Dan. Great job.
  12. There was no meet...there was no meet. Only mirth and merriment, and by coincidence, some audio equipment was sitting on some arbitrary tables in a room. Someone else must have been having a party in the same hotel.
  13. 60 lbs of t-shirts. That's a lot of carry-on, my wayward son.
  14. To an non-beer head, there wouldn't be any English in this sentence!
  15. Those two guys are pretty oily and greasy. I wouldn't want any of them, wearing my headphones. I bet they both spit when they talk, too
  16. I will be headed down 695 south at approx. 12 pm on Friday, headed towards DC/Bethesda. I can gladly pick up anyone from BWI between 12:30 and 2:00. I have room for 5 plus luggage. LMK.
  17. I say, I say, boy...you is as sharp as a bohwlin' ball!
  18. How the hell did you find out about the child porn? ...ooh you mean, hypothetically. Oops.
  19. I don't fault anyone for being unhappy about a particular state of affairs, but I do believe that consistency is probably one of the hardest principles to obtain in such a large venue. I saw that a lot of people were being frustrated and financially damaged by what was going on in the Singlepower and Xin Reference situations and I took action. It appears that it has lit a fire under some people's asses and it has had some positive effects. When should that action have been taken? That's a tough call. Do I want to ever stand in the way of a member or manufacturer making money and paying off their mortgage? No. However, when I see that there is thousands of dollars being held and poor business practices are being applied which are affecting a lot of people, it made me think that the time was ripe. There will always be people who will make excuses for the actions of others, some of them being valid, some not, but when I see that no real attempt to remedy the situation was being made, that's when I stepped in. Whether the amps sound like God's gift to the universe or not, customer's need proper communication when a huge amount of their money is being held by one person who is not accountable to a table full of shareholders. As far as shills and fanboys go, it's tough to prove that anyone has anything to gain financially by pushing someone else's product. Without proof, it can only be speculation. When someone has a sig that calls people cool, and the only common denominator is because they own a Singlepower product, it can be because a person is overly enthusiastic or they can be a shill. Who has a right to make that call. Facts are necessary in making any calls on that subject. And so does any action or reaction. When I found out that people were being solicited through the PM system, without requesting any info, I contacted those people and told them that the behavior is unacceptable and not fair to other MOT's that are following the guidelines that make it an even game for everyone. If they would have continued, they would have been banned. The cable sector was especially susceptible to this, because a lot of people can make a good cable (except for Nate ). J/K. Nate does it for cost and it is a labor of love, so he is not considered an MOT. He is a man of principle and he practices what he preaches, but unfortunately, not everyone follows his credo. It's wonderful that members of our 2 communities can make money, or even a living creating, manufacturing and selling products that we include in our hobby. But everyone needs to be fair and a lot of money can be made, and we can be very satiated doing the things that bring us joy outside of the realm of normal everyday necessities. Keeping on top of the rights and wrongs of these actions can be a full time job, and I think that the mods are doing a pretty good job, with everything considered. Can it be done better? Definitely. Can it be done worse? More definitely. By the way, as it has been said by 4 members here, Tom and I are good friends. I can't say "whoop-ass" on Head-Fi, so I enjoyably so say it here. It did get a little personal with things that were being said about my approach to the 2006 National Meet...I was obviously very vested in the operation and the comments being said. My life was dedicated to the event for 9 months. The naysayers were playing armchair quarterback and when mentions of "cage matches" were brought up, I probably could have handled it better. There, I said it. However, I am a very mellow guy who wants peace and prosperity in the universe and I ask that my comments made in that instance, not be a summation of the kind of person that I really am. Other than that, fuck everyone!
  20. That was actually a light hearted joke with me holding out an olive branch to you, Peter (now, I know you are going to say that I am back-peddling, but it was truly my intention). Life is too short to hold a grudge on me for one event after all the good that I've tried to do for our community. Boy, one cyber-bullying event to my credit and I am marked for life. ohm...shanty town...ohm...shanty town. I come in peace and long for good tune-age.
  21. It's cool...I've been doing push-ups all week so that Peter and I can have a arm wrestling contest at the MD meet this weekend and get this over, once and for all!
  22. This really confuses me. When inane posts (perceived differently by any given reader) are cleaned up and mods step in to control the quality of posts, or kick out idiots (again, alledged differently by each reader) we are called the Nazi Police, or are blamed for "over-moderation". Everyone needs different things from a forum and sometimes, no matter what direction moderation goes in, it can be considered poor management by anyone at any given time. Moderators can only try to do what they think are right and aren't going to please everyone, all of the time. And consistency, can be tough. Hell, even our government and major corporations that have been around 50+ years, still can't get it perfect. I can't pin down which exact two meets that the events took place, Tom, but I do remember you waiting an incredibly long time for your ES-1 and when Mikhail finally sent it to a summer mini-meet at Jahn's apartment building, you ended up getting Hirsch's in error, and had to send it back, and wait a long time again, before receiving yours. Also, I might be wrong, but I thought it was yours, Mikhail brought an ES-1 to a meet after a long wait (I remember opening 36 wood screws on a crate with a hand-held screwdriver) and there was a bad buzzing sound coming out of one of the channels, and the first find was that someone was adjusting the bias screws on top, thinking that they were volume control knobs (which Mikhail has since remedied) and then it still wasn't performing properly and Mikhail reported back in the impressions post, that it was, once again, the result of a bad tube. Sorry, if it wasn't you. Please don't make me open a can of whoop-ass on you, now. Your not as fast as you used to be, my "well equipmented" friend.
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