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High Rollers
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Everything posted by immtbiker

  1. For the 7th year in a row, I am hosting a spring meet in Bayside NY, on Saturday, March 19th. It would be great if any head-Caser's could come. If you can make it, please post in the thread over at Head-Fi. Brownies and a good time is guaranteed for all. Aaron
  2. The Asgard and the Valhalla are both decent amps, especially for their price. I'm not saying that they are going to make you lose sleep every night, having the well known disease of "needing to listen to one more song-itis". But, for the price, you are getting an amp (tubed or not) that sounds slightly better than it costs, made in America with good customer service. I wonder if the name actually has any meaning to it? Did Grandpa Schitt innovate part of the circuitry? That would make some sense, especially since the three amps have a naming convention surrounding a common theme. Also, I would like to re-iterate that Jason is good people who believes in giving the customer value for their dollar. A trait that seems to be getting lost in the sauce these days.
  3. On these lines, I believe that Kerry (who is extremely and overly cautious), when building his version of the Blue Hawaii, which I named "BHKE", or "Blue Hawaii Kerry Edition", made some wise choices. First of all, he ran the AC and DC from the P/S to the amp, in 2 separate umbilicals. Secondly, he created a small circuit, so that if the umbilical is not plugged into the amp, the voltage is shut down via relay as not to enable a situation for the possibility for any kind of shock. Small amount of time spent (although tossing and turning might have been involved while brainstorming the situation before going to sleep), which resulted in a nice yield that might never be necessary, but if it is one day, it will save some cavity tasting.
  4. Like the Vikings in a Capital One commercial, or the Gorilla in the Samsonite commercials? I just want to know what I'm dealing with here. After all, I was in his room drinking Duggeh's 40 proof beer, and don't want to be woken up, chained to the hotel wall with weapons of small destruction being hurled in my general direction
  5. Talking factually, how are RSA products unreliable, badly designed, unsafe for the end user, and have a iffy warranty? Ray and I haven't talked for months, so I am not asking these questions as any kind of friend of his. I've owned multiple products of his over the years, as well as many manufacturers and have not ran into any issues. Not liking someone is one thing, but making these statements is showing things other than dislike.
  6. OK. I'm officially jealous. We have some really nice roads up in Upper Westchester and Orange County (yes, that's the same one where OCC is). What people who don't come from NY don't know (double negative) is that 20 minutes away from NYC is all mountains (or hills) and go a little farther north and you are in the Catskills and the Adirondacks. All you have to do, is make it out of the city limits alive, and there's some twisties and scenery that will rival a good percentage of roadways in the country. We do have a lot of one-eyed cops with lasers in their faces all over the place especially at the end of the month. This is why you get your blast (120-170) and then immediately back off until you're back in the mix (around '70), but I swear, at '70, it almost feels as if your standing still. Nothing rival riding upstate or out west, the only problem is finding an occupation that will afford living there. Unless you are a professional, or own a business, it's tough to sustain a way of life that will afford you the luxury of having a nice bike and a roof that keeps the rain off of your family's head. The Appalachian Trail runs right near my house and makes it's way up to Maine, so my family does hike it a lot (especially in Bear Mtn., Vermont, and New Hampshire). I've spent a couple of weeks on a rented Harley Ultra Glide Classic, but there's only so many cornfields and cows on flat land that you can endure. Track days are fun, and I will do 1 every year until I can't bend any more, then it will be time for a large cruiser.
  7. Hi Tyll!!!! When I hit a high speed (especially where I live) it's never for more than 3 seconds, then, it's back down to earth. The rest of the time is spent enjoying the ride. As far as deer is concerned...not too many near the highways within a 30 mile radius where I get to ride. Now, rats, on the other hand....
  8. You can still use your own bike, but you have to remove the mirrors and turn signals, and cover up your front and rear lights. But the ZX-14 is too much of an elephant to get full enjoyment out of the track. It needs to drop 75 lbs.
  9. There is a company in the same boat as Headamp, that this site does not like very much, but the fact that it follows the same American business model is a fact that cannot be disputed.
  10. Wish I would have gotten this info a little earlier. They are already on their way to me in a very cold truck from Montana. Thanks, though. Not sure if he carries all of the Harbeth line. His site points towards some of the higher price units.
  11. If anyone can burst my bubble, it would be a guy who blocks my sunshine even when it's raining. The big 4 Japanese sportsbike manufacturers in agreement with US policy, all have their bikes limited at 189 mph. But, for less than $300 you can install a simple TRE that will eliminate the retard and allow a bike to do what it was built to do. Kawasaki claims that it's stock motor will do 220 mph. Do I believe every manufacturer claim? Hell no, but there have been many reports, dyno backing amongst other means, that the ZX-14 engine will do close to that speed without any significant mods. How close to that, I don't know, but I can dream, can't I, bubble burster ? I do want to take "the beast" down to the Texas mile one day, but that will stay on my bucket list along with many other mid-life crisis wishes. Ethan, where were you when you did your GPS posted speed and where were you on the weight roller coaster? My 168mph was done 2-up with the secondary flies removed and a PC V installed. It is incredible how fast these mothers can go and how quickly they can get there. What was once dreamed of for use on the track is now obtainable, just by walking(or riding) out of the showroom door. Also, with the invention of the dual or triple compound tires, what was available for the GP circuit has now trickled down to the common rider. Better than velcro and polypropylene. I have taken 2 track days at the California Super Bike school when they come to NJ Motorsports track near Vineland NJ, and I've learned more about turns and throttle control in 2 sessions, than my lifelong experience could ever teach me. Keith Code runs the school (he was a championship rider in the '70's) and he travel from track to track from March to November. I strongly advise it to anyone who desires a no holds barred 12 hour day, where there's no cops, no gravel/leaves and most importantly, no cars. The NJ track has 11 turns (including a hairpin) and a 1/2 mile straightaway. The most amazing thing to me, is that Keith Code teaches every class himself. He could just sit back and let the peons do it, but he is truly vested in everybody's learning experience. All for $300. You attend 5 45 minute classroom sessions each followed by a 45 minute track session with on-track coaches. This year, after 16 years of loyalty to the Kawasaki ZX-6, which is like a Vespa for me, at 5'11", he changed his whole fleet over to BMW S1000RR's which is a machine that Zeus himself would crap in his pants to ride. The entire bike is computer controlled and can compensate for almost every condition. That alone, is worth the price of admission.
  12. Thanks for all the responses and other links. Miguel, this is not for computer speakers. This is for Exemplar Modded Oppo BDP-83 or Meridian G08>Dared 13 watt 300B's>bedroom nearfield listening sessions (maybe 5-7 feet). *Edit - I originally said the Oppo model was the BDP-5 when it is the BDP-83*
  13. He must be a redneck, if he has a working television sitting on top of a non-working television. Huge Harley Chapters in CT. Very few sportbikes.
  14. Interesting that you said that. About 18 years ago, I was taking ride with my "now ex-wife" and in Rhode Island, I saw that a good amount of driver were riding w/o helmets. We were on a local road on our way to Newport, so I figured I'd give it a try (it's amazing how many sounds your bike makes when your not wearing a helmet (this is b4 sport pipes became standard fare). So my wife and I took off our helmets and we completely emptied out our tear ducts . Most riders had googles that had neoprene gaskets so that the wind didn't attack the eyes....we only had our Oakleys. When we got to the Newport Bridge, the toll collector (knowing I was from NY), informed us that the passenger must wear a helmet, not the driver. When I asked why, she said, "hey, if the driver wants to take their like into their own hands, but a passenger has no handlebars to protect themselves". Made sense. That was the last time I ever rode w/o a helmet.
  15. Headroom was one of the pioneers of the online audio world. Tyll had visions (from the heart) of bringing back audio to what it was in the '60's. Unfortunately, anytime you bring other companies into the mix, their contracts usually stipulate that, after a certain amount of time, they get a more than fair share of the stock. This happens all too often, and usually turns out less than desirable. This is what happened to Snapple. They were a great company, making a uniquely great product. But Quaker Oats decided to change the formula and it doesn't taste like the Snapple of old (unfortunately). The bean counters decided that more high fructose corn syrup rather that natural ingredients was the way to go, hence the degrading of the recipe but saving them loads of money. This is truly a short term gratification that hurts employees in the long run. In the Snapple case, all of the top Snapple people were paid handsomely and offered nice jobs that were short term. I don't think this was the case with Tyll, unfortunately. He was living out his true passion, and wanted to keep all of his people making a decent living in Bozeman. Unfortunately, the number one way to save a company money, is to cut payroll and benefits. Tyll only had one real designer who was a visionary, and without him, Headroom is just another Needle Doctor. Eventually, Tyll, who we know can be a little strong headed, but played a great game of chess for the long haul. But like Vegas, it takes a large bankroll to be able to make it through rough times, so that when times become better, the dream can become reality. I'm afraid that Headroom has fallen into the trap that most companies have fallen into, and employees and it's loyal patrons are the one's who will feel the pain. If a company like Circuit City can go under, anyone can. They took employees that specialized in one genre, and had them walking around with clipboards, making minimum wage, selling everything from Monster cable to washing machines. America has shot itself in it's own foot by vending out everything to Asia. 150 lb. manhole covers that kept thousands of people employed in Pittsburgh, now, are living on Welfare, towns are ghost towns, and big heavy pieces of metal are coming from China and India, and yet, due to union pay, that is more economical than keeping PA employed. Concessions could have been made, and we could still have thriving steel towns surviving in the US. Jan Meier went the vended route, and Craig from Eddie Current just designs and has his amps vended out. We owe China a lot of money and it's not going to get better. If Headroom designs new products and has them made in China, or even has them made and designed in China, then they are no longer Headroom, the epitome of American made, American designed innovations. Did you hear that Harley Davidson is going to be making some or all of their bikes in India. So much for the whole, "I'm only buying American" which is the foundation of most Harley riders. It must be 30 years, because that's the cycle (no pun intended) and whoever is older than 45 should remember the whole Harley Davidson/AMF debacle. Driving down the road with a screwdriver in each hand (1 phillips and 1 flathead), tightening the bolts as you drove. We are in trouble, and I don't see anyway out. I'm glad I'm not my chilren's age, because it is going to be even worse for them. [/end of rant]
  16. Well then I made the right decision. Hand made in England and is real wood, not MDF. Thanks.
  17. Telica. Funny story. The ex-wife used to tap my leg to slow down whenever I went over 70, Telica taps my leg to go faster. Which woman do I want to spend the rest of my life with? Disclaimer - Most motorcycle's speedometers are off by +/_ 10%. The only real way to know your top speed on any given ride, is to bring along a GPS, and let it use 4 of the 12 satellites tell you what your top speed really was. Usually, the speedometers are off on the lower side or the 10%. You can purchase a "Speedo Healer" that will take the GPS mph and let it take over for the stock speedometer, and give you an accurate reading. Mounting a GPS, along with an EZ-Pass and all of the other accessories is no easy task. I find it hard to believe that in a lot of states (CT, NH, and I think FL) don't have a helmet law. I don't care if I'm only going to be doing 10 mph, I wear a Snell approved helmet, and full leathers...top and bottom, with crash pads in all the right places (shoulders, knees, elbows, upper back, etc.)
  18. The bike does 220mph, un-modded, and feel strong like a shit brick house at any speed. I only let her rip when there's no other cars on the road and the road is smooth. You don't feel the speed at all. I have the secondary flies removed and a Power Commander V (I know, I know...foreign language to you) to control the gas/air intake and it's much faster than stock. She has 205 h.p. and does 0-60 ini 2.2 seconds. The newer bikes are geared so that they do between 70 and 90 m.p.h. in first gear, so the time is obtainable by not having to shift to second when doing 0-60. It is the biggest rush that anyone can ever possibly experience, who doesn't fly a military jet. With a car, imagine pulling 3800 lbs. (average car weight) with 200 horsepower. A sportbike weighs only about 450 lbs (mine is 485 lbs) because it is a 1400 CC bike and has a motor that is rated at 205 hp pulling a mere 485 lbs. Besides other really important reasons, that's what makes it so damn fast. The front wheel will lift effortlessly in the first 4 gears, so you have to learn throttle control, especially when the woman that you love is on the back, and you plan on keeping her or him, for a while. One day, if you let me, I'll take you for a spin (I know the first words out of your mouth will be "no thanks", but you have to try almost everything at least once). Just ask guzziguy. His bike is all about handling, but it does pretty well in the quarter mile, too. Wayne can do that on both 2 and 4 wheels. That's what makes Wayne, Wayne.
  19. Here's my my 2nd love....3rd if you include wife and family: So far I've done 168 mph, 2-up (Yes, I know I'm crazy, but anyone that knows me, already knows that).
  20. Depending on your budget, $500 or $5000, the BDP-83 is a good buy. The SE, even better. I have John's modded Exemplar, but did listen for a while to the standard version. With the Oppo in your system, you now also have the option (if it is in your music system also), to have SACD or DVD-A, DVD 7.1 and naturally redbook, and not just have video.
  21. Thanks Vin. You coming to White Plains on the 20th?
  22. Under the work rock. It got pretty moist and mossy down there. I decided to try a new rock.
  23. I have a pair of Dared 300B quasi mono blocks that output 13 watts. They have 2 12AU7's as the input and Sophia Princess Mesh as the output. I am going to be using these as nearfield listening sessions in the bedroom when the wife is clanging pans in the kitchen and my son is being chased by cops with the constant sound of a siren in his room (not a good time to listen to my living room speaker setup which I am very happy with). I will be using an Exemplar Modded Oppo BDP-5 as the source. Anyone have experience with both, besides Tyll's setups at Canjam, and can offer some insight?
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